
So the measure of policy standards in the trump administration is how unabashedly cruel it is, yet his stupid followers simply lap his shit up because it hasn’t affected them personally (yet). they limit abortions and that results in unwanted children. Now they want to discriminate against the children again when they’re adopted. What the funk are they smoking in TX? It must be the fumes from Chip and Joanna’s farts.

My mom got blackout at my favorite bar when I was in college by drinking bourbon and waters trying to keep up with my guy friends, who were borderline alcoholics. She smoked cigs with them and regaled them with stories of her drug-fueled youth and was almost arrested for having her drink outside of the bar. It was

Listen, when you’re a parent it is your job to be as embarrassing to your kid as humanly possible. That’s just science.

Yeah. I have in some cases decided I care more about not doing it than having it done right and in a timely manner. So, himself “does the dishes” after I cosok, meaning everything but the pans go in the dishwasher and the pans remain dirty up to a week after.

I told my husband the other day that I don’t mind cleaning the toilets, but I hate scrubbing dried pee off the floor around the toilet. He laughed.

Because as a dude you don’t really ever learn this. At a young are girls are taught all this stuff like cooking and cleaning etc. Boys in general are not, so we don’t understand the full scope of things. It gets continued when we’re older because even if we are woke and want equality, the women in our lives have the

I wanted to be like “Motherfucker I thought you’d have it on the table hot and ready since you lounged around all day!”

You are resentful to your husband, and it could be because he’s freeloading and it could be because he doesn’t care as much as you do. To you, that’s horrible, and to him, that’s your problem how much you care.

“Motherfucker I thought you’d have it on the table hot and ready since you lounged around all day!”

I think half of it is that men in general expect (without realizing they have been socialized this way) women to do all the reminding, pointing out, and other intellectual work needed to get domestic tasks done.

They have no notion of what 50/50 actually looks like so they believe that they are contributing equally, or even 60/40, when the reality is a lot more like 40/60 (or less). My beau was raised with zero concept of scheduled periodic cleanings (i.e. baseboards, windows, car interior, ‘Spring Cleaning’ etc.) beyond

Here’s the issue my husband believes (like literally believes) we are at 50/50 when in reality it’s more like 90/10

Omg omg omg. So my husband took a day off work a few months back alleging that he would do some cleaning and laundry. Which he did like one load pshhh, I get home after working all day and he’s playing video games (in a still messy living room) and he looks at me and says, “So what are you thinking for dinner?” I

He says to me “there’s more than one way to do something” and I am like no there fucking isn’t.

The bit about it being sloppy or wrong if, by some miracle, they actually do the work is what kills most of us dead, I think.

Men need to talk to each other about this stuff.

My blood boils over that shit. Lmao like having a vagina doesn’t mean I have some magical knowledge on how to scrub a tub or a toilet. It’s pretty simple. It is dirty, I spray it with cleaner and I rub it until it appears clean. The end. Repeat forever until I die.

RIGHT? We have cats so you really have to vacuum with the attachment along the walls or there will be cat hair “tumbleweeds” and litter that accumulates if you skip this part of vacuuming. He says to me “there’s more than one way to do something” and I am like no there fucking isn’t. Because to me it’s like ok, if I