Yes it's worse seeing him on TV. He looks like Count Chocula in a David Byrne 9 sizes too big sport coat.
Yes it's worse seeing him on TV. He looks like Count Chocula in a David Byrne 9 sizes too big sport coat.
If Osama Bin Laden becomes a folk hero three decades from now just because someone made a kick-ass silkscreen print of him on a T-shirt, I’m gonna be pissed.
Macca, you dirty filthy blighter!
One of the good ones...whose academic fraud stripped the University of Memphis of wins and sent them to probation. .–08_M…
So says every person who watched a Chris Hansen “To Catch A Predator” show.
Don't you think it's ironic these young kids don't know who Alanis is?
Brock Osweiler?
“But don’t expect him to move to a retirement community in Palm Springs and woo all those retired single ladies! No, Mr. Burr has bigger plans.”
Zeppelins really are the way to go.
So how long until he starts wearing a Black Lives Matter sweatshirt at his public appearances?
“Bavaria Munich appears to be a lock to win the Alliance League this season!”
I believe one thing: you’re going to commit malpractice at some time during your career:
At some point they may need to have a press conference for the handful of women he hasn't raped or tried to.
Looks like Arizona allows you to get out of child support if there were “deception or fraud” and the kid is not biologically yours.
And who provides for the kid if mom can't? That tends to be most important to the courts, and many states presume it to be the other partner in the marriage. Don't like that rule — don't get married.
Except husbands have had to pay support for children conceived during the wife’s behind the back affairs:
“I got taken advantage of” is generally not a viable defense to discharge child support obligations. Otherwise every dude would argue “she said she was on the pill!”