
Lindsey needs to follow James Buchanan’s precedent, ifyaknowhaddimean [wink, wink]

Bring me the head of DVS, who doesn’t know the true inventor of oatemeal.

“A dozen? That’s a no-call!”

At least he took the pic in landscape mode!

The failure to approve ice bribery probably dooms the chances for field bribery in the Summer Games.

Washougal is right at the entry to the Gorge. You can probably smell the Camas paper mills from there.

And Blattershit for anything soccer related

Now playing

I was alive for this, perhaps the most dominant performance in the history of sports:

Because there’s gold in them thar hills:

“ They also say that Griner has no biological connection to the child that Johnson is pregnant with.”

“So is Rex Ryan, coach of the Buffalo Bills, more or less racist than your former coaches?”

Chuck Blazer is going to make millions off this lawsuit:

He died in Mexico.

Micturo ergo sum.

It means IHOP killed someone.

It’s at the far end of the old newspaper tunnel, right next to your dessicated grandmother’s corpse.

Tell it to the Taliban. And Al Qaeda. And ISIS.