
He’s hired Robert Durst’s lawyer, who will convince the jury that she raped him.

That’s some “realness of herself” right there!

Your boo is a real catch:

Nobody remembers this obscure show-off; certainly not Bob Costas.

That Sterling was so cheap that he'd violate the CBA and make his players fly coach.

Not her ex-husband:

How y’all think ah cain ovahdrayuhs cept with some additional contribution?

Bless him, Isaiah is a hell of a statement parser. If you watch the 30 for 30 on the Pistons, he adamantly denies that he ever said that Bird would just be another player if he were black. Which is technically true—Rodman said those words, Isiah just agreed with him.

Raymond Felton feels left out of your comment.

No you get a coupon for $9.95 credit against a future PPV fight.

There are 2 1/2 million “unauthorized” people in California.


Looking forward to the next woman Pope getting the same pay & perks as Francis & Benedict.

McNulty moved to Brooklyn and is embroiled in an Affair. Bunk’s in New Orleans. Mayor/Governor Carcetti has the same job in Westeros.

He was good until he wanted to be taken seriously as an artist.

For what it’s worth if you go back to the German origin, it’s most like “Burner.”

“We need to talk about elements of provocation. Getting pregnant, answering the door. We’ve got to do what we can to prevent this situation.”

“Boning no one” is pretty close.

I'm not sure there's a whole lot of costs for the stuff I do get but I'm basically paying for an antennae because over the air won't come in where I live.

“Because of its immense popularity, ESPN is included in the basic cable package by every cable provider”