I offer for your consideration a smooth jazz sax, by Mr. Smooth Jazz himself:
I offer for your consideration a smooth jazz sax, by Mr. Smooth Jazz himself:
Or did they kill or have killed?
"No comprendo, amigo! You like my scarf? Soccer enthusiasts wear them!"
¿Así, Chad, por qué no es "ochenta y cinco" o "ocho y cinco"?
"You really don't see that type of player at Oregon."
You forgot kale.
it's the long-sought-after philosophers stone. You are right to ALL CAP!
It'll be legal here in Oregon starting this summer.
and there's no ASD "or" Aspbergers. The latter is a subset of the former. So in pointing out how he's inaccurate, you yourself were inaccurate.
It's likely that Halnon will either be fired or harshly disciplined for her behavior.
Check the DSM-5. Aspbergers in now just a part of the spectrum:
No shit; you might even get dunned if Heather has*two* mommies who could conceivably work:
this is so surprising; Schmidt seems like he has such a healthy attitude about women otherwise:
Well it means "sorta hot but not too much....."
also smoulder (smōl′dər)
Gandhi drank his own urine. So I hope the friend is also doing that, and having the unvaxed kids do it too.
How dare you to presume to question a Kennedy! We are American Royalty! L'etat c'est nous, peon!
Yeah, and there is of course no shit anywhere near that meat he's eating when they butcher it. Because they give the cows a colon cleanse right before.
1. Is face punchable?