as a dick owner, i would suggest that that depends on your perspective.
as a dick owner, i would suggest that that depends on your perspective.
sadly there was a joke and you didn’t get it. :( you suck.
I’m british and when I lived in ottawa, ontario, I was on the phone to a new canadian whose origins sounded to me chinese. after a while she asked me in her heavily accented English (which i could perfectly understand), where are you from though, and I said england. And she said ohhhh that’s why i can hardly…
‘while you’re getting of my lawn’ —> best thing i have seen on the internet maybe all week. you go, Maxine Floeffler
the former. well both actually but the former.
I do ask this question, every single day of my sodding life.
poverty blah citizenship blah ...... HAS ANYONE GOTTEN BEYONCES TAKE ON THIS???? need to knwo if she hated that shirt an jeans as much as y’all did.
you might be the first person ever to accuse sheeran of trying to be punk.
da fuck is french blue? Also, if someone is a mad glamourpuss and the other just looks like they wear casual clothes, its on the glamourpuss to tone the fuck down bc we can’t all glam it up. which is exactly your point. Beyonce should’ve been in mom jeans and a stained xxxl bud lite t.
sign of the cross cuz him a freeky vampire
nope, there were the nu romantics, and there were ppl like suede and other more poncey males
wow looks so young
how long was it in your parentals’ case?
Oh thank goodness, just ‘a long time in a us jail’. phew, close call.
lol why this doesn’t have any stars. best comment.
but most christianity isn’t about the bible, its about what the organisations running christianity say. that’s where much of the dogma and doctine come from. most often, it’s just interpretations of what the bible says, which is a frequently vague or debatable set of texts that has been thru all kinds of translation…
wait, being 7 in the 80s does NOT make you old. yo ass is middle aged mkay.
especially thoughts. thoughts are the best when you’re in a pickle. thank fuck for all these thoughts other people are having, or I don’t know where I’d be!