It’s almost like there’s more to marketing than publicity.... Props to the influencers for milking this as long as they have.
It’s almost like there’s more to marketing than publicity.... Props to the influencers for milking this as long as they have.
What DOESN'T go on in there is the bigger question. I took a leak at work yesterday and ended up in a Greco-Roman wrestling match.
It has always seemed to me to be a very strange obsession that some people have with trans people. But then again I’m a childless gay man who knows trans people, not middle-class mother-of-five Karen who always demands to speak to the manager.
Good news, she has seen the error of her ways! This apology is 100% sincere.
Organized religion has always been at the center of a tug of war between those who wish to use it to control others and those who wish to help others. I’m afraid that more often than not, those who wish to use religion to control others have won. I am hopeful that changes in cultural expectations of organizations in…
I can’t believe how long it is, or how much of it I actually read. I’m like, trying to quit smoking right now, I don’t need this!!!
“except God, who isn’t there and/or doesn’t care”
Must have been a boring af wedding.
As a former high school goth and current member of the target market for this I’d like to say Fairuza Balk was a revelation and this is unnecessary.
“Women be feelin’.”
When they’re angry it’s because of something you did.
When you’re angry, it’s because you’re irrational and can’t control your emotions.
I think it would work best sung in operatic style by a bass. It could convey a sense of the speaker’s self-indulgence, anger, drama and love of his own voice.
I was today years old when I learned that men will literally mansplain anything, like anything, just to mansplain including explaining labia to women 🤨
I’m struggling between “don’t feed trolls” and “everyone needs to see this"
Congratulations on leaving what is easily the most deranged comment I’ve ever received in my year of working at Jezebel lol.
Totally agree. I feel like an asshole because - not being well-versed in One Direction trivia - I initially always thought Harry was the one who was too cool for school, but looks like I was very wrong!
im actually really happy he said this, and not just because i was a hardcore 1d fan for several years