i agree with your argument on an academic level, but in reality if you were to go around saying that to catholic priests I think you’d be doing a huge public service.
i agree with your argument on an academic level, but in reality if you were to go around saying that to catholic priests I think you’d be doing a huge public service.
wow that’s intense, i’m sorry you had to put up with those asshole colleagues. Sounds like you stood your ground which makes me happy and makes you a strong and dignified person but I sure wish you didn’t have to go thru that persecution. People really are the worst, sometimes. Hope your current workplace is way way…
there was 1500 kids in my school and 5 grades so I guess my graduating class was 300 kids. It felt pretty big.
it says he teaches french, a language.
swishy joseph and his fancy spangly jacket.
so true. wisht I could have had at least one ally amongst the teachers when I was a baby gay at school :’( I’m happy with myself and how my life has gone, but I often wonder what a different person I might be if I’d had someone to tell me it wasn’t okay to be beaten and humiliated for being myself.....
what about that kid in peanuts then? asshole? or just misguided?
um, no.
is it because of a pop-up blocker? if so, right click and then do copy link destination or similar. then paste into your browswer.
Truuuuuu. Gina davis for eva! And whoever played the little sister, so cool with that blonde hair and such a bad gurl lookin face. I think the charcter was called Kit.
Lady lost me at Poker face. What in the hell was that? She was so thursty and now she’s like, I can play the piano. Tons of rich girls get piano lessons. GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF. sheesh.
yum yum thanks for the male presenting nipples :)
i LOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEE to have my ears massaged, but of course fully agree it shuold be consensual. I think most mammals like their ears and the skin around the ears massaged. I always to do it to doggys thats why all dogs love me :)
I get what she’s saying and I don’t want to be a nay-sayer, but I totally think about those things. I’m a man and I do want my hair to be clean and well cut, and I do want my body to look ‘nicer’ than it does and worry that I should change what I eat and exercise more. I’m not saying it affects men to the same degree…
I feel a little bit of pressure to look like them, sure.
Agreed. I’m a hugger, and I totally hug co-workers that i’m friends with, but a hug is not an appropriate workplace greeting.
very true. we can’t say this enough.
I presume you mean your colleagues?