
"Who? Oh, I don't worry too much about Egg. I mean Henry."

Nobody wants to be number 2. Sometimes number 3 is ok if 1 and 2 both suck, but if it's a choice between 1 and 2, you go for the gold.

No, it was definitely more reflective in this case. I feel like we haven't really had a window into the current Belter psychosphere since the "who's going to be our ambassador" town hall meeting after they got the nukes.

Fair enough!

Oh man, I forgot that show existed, is it back? That's like, one of my always-borderline shows that I can't let go of completely, just because it is such a joy watching Kelly Overton beat up vampires.

It may not really have been intelligence with the digging, just "ugh what is this irritant", like a dog chewing its leg up to get the tick.

I don't know, Drummer and Julie are pretty scrawny :P No need to knock one type just because we don't see enough of the others. (Though now that you made me think of it, what, no Scandinavian ladies made it into space? Maybe the gene has died out, a recessive thing…) But yes, this show's cast is great to look at

Didn't Holden bring it up again this episode? I appreciated the mention because you're right, we haven't heard that name in awhile.

I don't THINK they'll let Cotyar die like Lopez, they would've put it in this episode; Lopez's last words made a nice denouement after all that action and heroic sacrifice.

I didn't see Westrim say it shouldn't be zero. I saw him say it isn't as "regular and consistent" as other crime rates, which was the charge dropped into this thread out of nowhere.

Reminded me of a scaled up, more detailed version of the tank deconstruction in Watchmen. Very cool.

Have you met Delenn? This post has a lot of her voice. But fewer opportunities for actual discussion.

I just assumed the Martians were racing them to the finish. Kind of a hilarious "suck on our exhaust, parachute-flight suckers!" moment actually.

Given how unpopular Holden is and how little of a name Steven Strait is, I actually wouldn't have been shocked at him kicking it - they've been building up this antihero arc for him, and his saving of the Somnambulist last week plus his tearful verbal will for Naomi would've been a classic "redemption equals death"

You know why I think Handlen's review seems overly negative for an A-? Because entitled twerpy fanboys like @stolizino:disqus (and, don't get me wrong, I am a huge fanboy for this show) throw a goddamn tantrum the moment they get excited and then fail to see a perfect grade, so Handlen feels pressured to spend the

You fucked up your link there, son.

If they'd just said "the laws of motion just went out the window" back in episode 4, we'd've been saved all this trouble! Curse them!

It's a luxury cruiser. It's got all the amenities! (and designed to always be under gravity)

That was a serious shirtless scene. And even a little bit under the waist…