And for those of you trying to remember who Kenzo was, I'll save you the trouble of googling his instantly recognizable, surprisingly-hateable face: he was the spy who slipped aboard the Roci then sold them out to the cops when they got to Eros :)
And for those of you trying to remember who Kenzo was, I'll save you the trouble of googling his instantly recognizable, surprisingly-hateable face: he was the spy who slipped aboard the Roci then sold them out to the cops when they got to Eros :)
The kasproinking of the Arboghast reminds me of when Dr. Manhattan pulled a similar move on that tank. (Before crunching it into a little ball, which I hope doesn't happen here.)
The fact that The Magellan Boys (as I have come to call them after that awesome bonding experience) seemed to be looking around in "wtf" after the ship was kasproinked makes me think they might be still alive too.
"SHE NEEDS ACCESS TO THE COMMS." *continues glaring in her face*
It's more the fact they have to say it all out loud when they've been through this a dozen times before, a nod and a headshake would be enough.
I thought it was Phillip's son who had made it back from Afghanistan (disillusioned, triggering his sojourn to the US).
She has JUST been thrust into this world and been introduced to this man who has apparently been her secret grandfather since she was born. Her leading questions aren't about asking if they're true because she has no idea, they're to get a confirmation on what she's reading of the extremely weird emotional context and…
I've been a little cold on this season after the first episode, especially since the Mischa travel arc amounted to absolutely nothing. That parting line really woke me the fuck up.
I wish they'd just relegate the inevitable "Henry's not here" dialogue to nonverbal eyebrow raises and head shakes. I've been a defender of how they treat the kid but that part's getting a little tiresome.
Man, Costa Ronin is really going all in promoting his show with his Twitter banner huh :) Forgot I was looking at an individual's account there for a second…
I could picture it when he said it, but appreciated the image above too :) I wasn't sure about Phillip doing all this "reflecting" this season but it's been working out.
Ultimately, Matthew's just gonna look back and think "damn, why'd she shove me so hard!" If she starts learning any flashier offensive moves she may need to learn to exercise more restraint :)
Frankly I'm going to be mad at the show if it turns out to be anything like this, just for dragging it out. At the beginning of the season at least half of this crowd was buying the poisoned wheat line, which *I* called. I say this with no specific reasoning other than raw hope and a vague sense that it would be…
Her personality seems to be basically aggressively uninterested in most things, except Lotus Notes.
I was wondering about the risk too but I guess it makes sense to have her there just to make sure they even have the right guy.
Still might! I had the same thought.
Broke my heart too. They've blatantly lied about the violence so far but arguably this is similar to any parent's white lies. This is the first time they've blatantly pushed a completely false picture of events that they could've actually shared with her without harm.
I was muttering "sure I've been praying, to MARX" before I remembered he's the one who gave her that book.
Or tells him he can retire to Russia while knowing all along that his only real future is death by cop.
Or, "you won't listen to me talking about skinny dipping so say what you gotta say to get the hell out of your head, dummy" :) But yeah that was some very faithful girlfriending there haha.