
As I specifically said, the hypothetical had literally nothing to do with theater, but was merely to illustrate that hidden variables that are racist in nature can have an effect that on the surface seems to have nothing to do with race. Picking specific numbers in a hypothetical helps demonstrate the principle

Their faces must be crimson from their mistake.

It's not that the individual business decision was based on "he is white and he is black so there". But if casting and business decisions and audiences have been racially biased in the past, then there are going to be a disproportionate amount of white actors among the group of "well-known actors who can draw

If you really wanted it you'd've only used 8 ellipses.

I blame it being on TNT :P This is the first I'd heard of it (I was reliving the Spider-man 2 glory days and wandered in here 3 years late) and it seems interesting…but yeah TNT.

I was disappointed too, I guess they just went off on a tangent right after it came up, and one of the hidden rules of a Random Roles interview is you're not allowed to break the flow by saying "but anyway going back to that role we already moved on from…"

What I love is it's not just one-note - the tables turn in the last few minutes and it's glorious.

You oughtta see Spider-Man 2, seriously :) Molina's a big part of why it remains one of the best superhero movies of all time.

It was real nice of the AV Club to actually include the final episode's title at the top of this article…

It was real nice of the AV Club to actually include the final episode's title at the top of this article…

I'm choosing to interpret PDN's lack of mention of that as a sign that I have a brain tumor with accompanying audio and visual hallucinations.

I'm choosing to interpret PDN's lack of mention of that as a sign that I have a brain tumor with accompanying audio and visual hallucinations.

I both love and fear for Kim that she apparently Relax-a-thons as hardcore as she works.

Whoever shot her in those PJs has already done the damage, bud.

Such a horrible way to go, my wife and I might have to keep this one away from ourson.

dark like good toast

Hey. Hey. Hollywood Video was one of my first jobs. We kept our shit tight :P And I promise you I would've quit if there were really screaming kids running around with any regularity haha.

Since we've had two "the actor who plays him"s already, thought I should look it up, he's played by Raymond Cruz :P

Wasn't it mainly just that one episode where Laura Fraser arrived and Saul found his name in the same episode? Those things didn't have to happen at the same time. I don't think we doubted they all had their place in the prequel plotting, but they might've avoided the most obvious pile-up by spreading them out a bit.

Yeah, that was a real "okay maybe I don't feel so bad about letting her go after all" moment.