
You can't film her in those PJs without being aware you're making a statement.

It's the repetition of the same point over and over again that's irritating and unproductive, not the original statement of the idea.

…you're getting a little hard.

But isn't it telling that after his HHM dismissal, he's still able to greet Jimmy with lights and appliances a'blazin', yet the twitching starts the moment Jimmy walks out the door in silence? Not psychologically conclusive or anything, but dramatically indisputable.


As much as I like Amy Adams, Allison Mack is my Lois Lane.

You mean the distinct lack of Rachel Weisz! I'm always amazed she was in those.

Eh, the WW reviews seem to be about 15% higher than Ghostbusters on both Metacritic and RT, I'm much more convinced by this batch. The quality of the reviews also have a different context when you're talking about a reboot of a beloved comedy with a unique tone - yeah Ghostbusters may have ended up being "a decent

Sweet! As a former D.C. area kid I appreciate you sharing the news :) Shame I haven't seen it anywhere else, I guess…

Or his greed is genuine and uninfluenced by the KGB, but will doom them all because of it.

I dunno, "we got them from dead people, they weren't using them anymore" was still pretty traumatic. Especially to a rather religious girl :P

Haha yeah. Those guys need to be able to roll with it more! At least fake friendly until you can figure out what the hell your play is!

I feel like there's a reason he instantly knows everything to tell Pasha about "doing it right" the moment it comes to him in mid-conversation.

Remember, that guy is TWFTKGB, he was obviously only asking for money for the sake of propaganda regarding what impure capitalist pigs the FBI are.

That felt like a reference to something. And the guys always giving looks from a viewing point off to the side during the "dom" competitions felt like a reference to something. I just don't know what that something was.

The crucial thing to remember about the BB universe is…as much as you like them, 99% of them are Really Bad Guys.

Yeah that struck me as a pretty fucking convenient role model for "what lawyers do" compared to their own area of practice.

I mean, I don't know it goes In Soviet Russia, genuinely. As honest, upstanding Americans who know we have patriotic, rights-respecting law enforcement whose only incorruptible mission is to find the truth on our side (is the sarcasm dripping enough yet), of course you should be able to admit your feelings as long as

Natalie, yes, mentioned her age - certainly there was an obvious point being made about impossible burdens being placed on teenagers and children, which can always translate to Paige. But you said the fact that her age was exactly the same as Paige's was "very pointed." I'm not really sure what that means when I

Both seek to juxtapose an image of suburban American childhood with tension and tragedy. Kimmy Schmidt in a more optimistic sense, of course…