
But did it turn anyone ON to seeing the movie? The studio demands bang for buck! I don't see "also starring CGI of Carrie Fisher!" as being that great of a marketing plan, but I could be wrong.

This will make the announcement of his resurrection even MORE glorious!

Burn the witch!

Indeed, that also was not a good idea.

Was that Flea?

It's just that it didn't strike a lot of people as especially noteworthy.

@fdefzpcvw:disqus I think @avclub-912e79cd13c64069d91da65d62fbb78c:disqus was suggesting something a LITTLE more subtle than that.

I'm expecting to keep procrastinating on it for another 5 years or so and then have the exact same reaction as you.

This is the reporting Big Media doesn't want you to hear!

Wade is being a real son-of-a-father here.

For the record, the sappy ending "that house…is this house" montage has stuck with me for years since I first saw this. Like Donna, I'm a sucker for the arc of destiny. So eat it, haters :)

Wait, I thought the notable addition of the giant hole in the second floor WAS made by the inspector.

FIE! Computer science for the win.

Correct answer: "I dunno, just becuz, I guess." :)

I like to sing the circle of life at my love/hate circle-jerks.

Fair, but…petty.

There are shows that implicitly invite viewers to do this, though - it's pretty damn hypocritical to say "here's this mystery! look at all these clues!" then years later "why didn't you just wait and see, GOSH". Definitely, the shows that do this are in the minority. HIMYM is literally named after a future event, Lost

Well *I* thought you were successful :)

I have to admit I don't bother keeping track of most continuity details in this show, I'm sure they can come up with an excuse to throw it out anytime they want :) You have a point though.

Didn't they just get frozen? They'll be back.