
If years were seasons this April would be the December of our December.


Well, good for your biceps, but since we can't answer your questions, maybe you should go straight to a boxer for answers. Like the actress you're complaining about…

Glad I'm not the only one who shouted "It's Batman!" at the screen after that trick haha.

He seems like Avasarala's Drummer. We should get those two together!

I was surprised they showed a previously with the Eros/Venus science team but didn't actually follow up in the episode. In time…

I just want to say that while Avasarala has been deservedly praised for her performance, I have also really enjoyed shady, sometimes inscrutable, ambiguously motivated Errinwright as well. Their dynamic has been fun as hell as they've been rivals, allies, enemies, friendly colleagues, etc. I couldn't have been happier

Pretty sure that's exactly what he meant! With maybe a combination of containing the fallout, depending how willing to deal Avasarala is.

I appreciated the efforts too, but ultimately I do agree with Frank that I think it would just be damn hard to get the liquid to float out the hole in the can once it starts getting emptier. You can't suck on it because it's a hard shell so you'd have to just rely on "tossing it" the right way.

Several people here acting like Avasarala was going "we're so great, we pay everyone to just be happy and wonderful all the time!" As I recall the context of her comment was more like "it's admirable that you Martians are all working toward a goal. On Earth we have too many people with nothing to do so they just live

He reminded me of Nice Peter from Epic Rap Battles of History.

I don't think Melanie is defined entirely by her pining for Oliver though, that's part of her backstory that (of course) got more prominent in the last few eps because Oliver himself did. But earlier scenes with her were very much about her leadership, her therapist skills, and her role as a resistance fighter willing

"Moving on" can encompass so much more than "continuing the rich and famous celebrity lifestyle". That reality is so random and ephemeral already, I'm sure there are plenty of SAINTS out there who have their 15 minutes of fame and for whatever reason have to go back to life as a normal human. If totally random twists

I almost said "complisult", but that's not quite how Britta used it and I couldn't think of something else that would hedge both ways :P Besides, "big ass" does have a pejorative tone, something more affectionate like "booty" or "butt" would've confused me less.

I'm just unclear where you thought that guy was supporting abusers, but I guess what's blocked is blocked.

I'm saying there are levels of judgement all over the place, which I think you're well aware of even if you haven't quite thought about it in this context. The simplest one is "if you're a jerk people will judge you for it". Being a jerk, generally, isn't illegal. Yet society still exacts a price on jerks by generally

I can see where you're coming from too by the way :) It makes a bigger impact when it's your kid, for sure.

To be fair I'm sure it took hours and hours to get each frame of that thing rendered, not to mention scripted manually. Very different from on-the-fly modeling and animation in reaction to real time controls.

Being too literal. Quicksilver controls time in the sense that it effectively stops as long as he wants it to while he does whatever he feels like. He can cheese any plot just as well as Hiro Nakamura.

When Tyson was on HIMYM it definitely came up.