
Charisma and likeability are his strongest asset.

Sophie, let’s be honest about the political significance of the Khashoggi murder.

You clicked to express your saltiness about the whole thing.  Mission accomplished.  

Guess EA pays better than those female streamers. :D


OK, show of hands: who else thought this was going to be about Patriots fans with “DO YOUR JOB” mugs in their cubicles?

That may be the most perfect beer metaphor I’ve seen in a long while.  Hamm’s owes you for that one.

With Lori Loughlin involved in this, I think it’s safe to say that this scandal is going to be everywhere you look.

I assume that’s a ‎Mary Matalin quote?

Should have asked Kushner’s father. He knows how to get rid of unwanted relatives. 

I wonder if she goes home at night and puts out cigarettes on her clit just to feel something that isnt a lie.

I would like to note that after reading the UN’s quoted article here...

What we do know is that the airstrikes are worsening the situation on the ground for regular people, displacing millions and destroying livelihoods, according to the UN.

Oh, dudebra can. Trust me on this.

Don’t think you can cut federal spending to specific states, but you could freeze spending in the programs altogether though.

They also removed their Google+ post.

I agree that Rachel has become a toxic propagandist, but I don’t condone ignoring her because she provides nightly evidence of the sleazy amoral careerism of the Democratic establishment. People need to confront the ugly reality that Rachel embodies.

Retire Maddow and Pelosi, and channel that time into this burner please.

This article is going to provide me with the armchair etymology war that I didn’t even know I wanted not to happen today.

Was this before or after he opined about whether or not Lorenzen Wright should come back?