Wait! Are you trying to say that I’m NOT going to achieve this item on my bucket list?
Wait! Are you trying to say that I’m NOT going to achieve this item on my bucket list?
Auto-erotic asphyxiation after he slips on some bleach?
Not pictured in the photo: Distracted boyfriend looking at the beer-holding model while his wine-holding girlfriend looks at him in disgust.
Wait, wait, wait..... So...... You don’t see the irony of bitching about this... When a small segment of Bernie bros, egged on by Trump spent eons bitching about the 2016 Primary - - bitching which this freaking masthead w/in GMG amplified and continues when convenient still loves to relitigate and bitch about?
This controversy clearly takes precedence over rumors about Amy Klobachur sourced exclusively from those she fired. Still, we should devote much of our time to analyzing why Kamala Harris is unelectable. It goes without saying that we also need to know more about the tiny position changes that Elizabeth Warren made…
Look, if you don’t want to join the Stasi, you’re basically a coward.
Shot to death by a drug dealer because he tried to pay with a check.
I hope he won’t beat himself up over this
“Nobody believed in us.”
This team really is committed to illegally getting stuff released from their balls.
And somehow the Patriots will use this as motivation to win another Super Bowl next year.
Bernie (and Splinter) are fighting a strawman here: No one in the Democratic Party is advocating regime change or any kind of military action in Venezuela, and implying that they do is journalistic malpractice. It can be (and is) true that Maduro was not legitimately elected and is a horrible dictator who should…
“The 5th ‘D’ stands for ‘Reali-D.’”
Part of the reason is that Jussie went to the media and used their platform to make this what it is. The media is about what grabs people's attention, not what is worse to society.
Those incidents never go beyond the call for service. There are no laws against calling in about perceived criminal activity (no matter how bogus) or a “suspicious” person (no matter how racially biased). Doing so might stifle legitimate calls from being placed. And, some of those calls are actually not illegal. If…
Eh, I am sticking with tomato is a work by staffers, but I like what you are smoking.
It’s trwooooooo!
I don’t work for GMG and never have, though I kinda wish I did. Mine would be the most popular site on the internet for humans with souls. Not a huge audience, but a dedicated one.
Sometimes you still strike gold. Troll on.