Lula was popular, but the corruption between Petrobras and the government is not BS. Corruption in Brazil is endemic, and PT is not immune to it.
Lula was popular, but the corruption between Petrobras and the government is not BS. Corruption in Brazil is endemic, and PT is not immune to it.
My radical suggestion would be that liberals could seize the moment and vote in the midterms, and the 2020 elections, and try to bring about a government that might not cater to these maniacs.
IT’s an attempt to sow fear and chaos at exactly the right moment. Putin and his agents hard at work, along with willing accomplices on the far right.
I wonder how much Disney’s new streaming service plays into all of this.
There have been rumblings for a while that Disney will bring everything into their streaming service at some point, which makes sense for them (but sucks for us since that’s one more subscription to buy).
I wouldn’t be suprised if they are abandoning these shows altogether like you said. I feel like they should have all been limited series anyway and then either fed into The Defenders or w/e.
You're just starring and unstarring your comments from your ungreyed account aren't you?
“My nephew Daryl just turned 16. He has spent the past three years working during school and two jobs during the summer”
DACA and provisional hardship waivers changed my life and the lives of many of my clients.
Uh, the ‘rebranding Romneycare’ completely changed my life. Saved it, perhaps, to put a fine point on it. So let’s not sneer at things that may not have benefited you quite as much.
Ehh, ignore this wannabe edgelord. He’s the one who considers pervasive sexual harassment to be merely “being rude”. Ignorable.
Instead of Total Health Care, why don’t we call it Old Broken Athlete Medical Assistance Care.
No, you feel that I’m wrong. If you thought I was wrong you have arguments, evidence, etc.
Legit laugh out loud when I saw dude’s face. His expression has me rolling, and also has me convinced that this was a crime of opportunity rather than anything planned. “They’re not looking, fuck it.”
The other two federally recognized Cherokee tribes, directly following her announcement, also issued statements supporting her and even calling her an ally.
So, naturally he shanked one right when it meant the difference.
This is USDA prime choice beef cut straight out of a Democratic Socialists of America working group.
No, but Fancy Kristen does have a semi-truck follow her around 24-7 whenever she needed a change of clothes out’n’about.