
I woudn’t necessarily get on the mom’s case for not immediately following up either. We don’t know what medical issue she has/had that may have caused her to not confirm. Might be a case where she was heavily medicated or something. But I definitely would like to know if the “sitter” was showing signs of intoxication

I blame the kid. I mean, everyone on here is trying to blame the adults. None of this would have happened if the kid would just watch itself. Like, look, you’re 2. You can walk. You don’t need people dropping you off, watching you. Sounds like a deadbeat kid to me. Didn’t even say “hey, wrong house”. Nope, just stood

Thank you so very much!

He was also amazing in “Happy Gilmore” as Mr. Larson, Happy’s biggest fan.

It is only when we find our Boban that we truly find ourselves

“Why don’t they make the whole team out of Boban?” is the NBA equivalent of “Why don’t they make the whole plane out of the black box?”

I am 100% with you in spirit but so long as there are MAGA-hat wearing simpletons who’ll turn off the TV if someone kneels and the left-leaning sports blogs of the world would probably react to Roger Goodell killing and eating refugee children with “That Goodell sure sucks but oh man you have to check out this sick

This is BY FAR my favorite....

This reads like a first-semester poli sci student’s “epiphany” on the flaws of the American experiment.

Paul, I realize that this is a popular idea among the less educated who visit this site.  But, please, for the love of God, shut the hell up about the Senate.  It’s not going anywhere.  It will never go anywhere.  It will always be here.  Stop wasting your breath.

Long story short: Brazil’s inability to find any reasonable middle ground between entrenched political factions that happen to be somewhat leftist (while still presiding over extreme poverty) and a lunatic South American version of Trump is the real tragedy.

I’d never move there to begin with. 

I’m pretty sure most of the bloggers at Splinter would yell at someone at a bar who was going to sit out the election. But in their defense, it would probably be after they lectured them to death for 45 minutes, but the yelling would be part of the package.

He was great in The Walking Dead, but he was also great in a lot of other things, too. His one scene in Hostiles is tremendous. They needed an actor that could be menacing without sounding it with just a few lines and boy did they pick the right guy for that part.

Yeah, this is a shitty day. But you know what? We used to have SCOTUS justices who declared that black people were 3/5ths human. If the American experiment can survive shit like that, it can survive a drunken fratboy. Don’t blow this out of proportion.

Yeah, I’d rather the incel fuckers languish in their pocket kingdom.

I love that. “I voted for you in 2008 and kinda begrudgingly in 2012. If you look at Section 8, subsection B, paragraph C of this contract, you now OWE me your endorsement of ALL my personal political preferences on demand for the remainder of your life.”

Blest is an idiot on this subject. Right now, West Virginia and North Dakota’s citizens are solidly in favor of confirming Kavanaugh. It’s not even close - it’s 60% for confirmation and 27% against confirmation in North Dakota, in a race where Heitkamp is behind by 10 points.

Plasco-Flaxman claims that they had a bad experience with the nanny immediately preceding Maurice, and that nanny just so happened to be black, so this time, they were hoping not to get another black, but to instead get a Filipina.