It is the first time she’s done this, but it’s not the first time she’s unwisely tweeted without thinking.
It is the first time she’s done this, but it’s not the first time she’s unwisely tweeted without thinking.
Yeah, again, I’m talking pretty specifically about your notion of “where there’s smoke there’s fire” when it comes to Biden and sexual harrassment or other claims regarding his past.
I mean, it’s fun if only because leaping off a building to try and hit a dragon in the face with a battle axe has to be one of the coolest movie deaths of all time.
Given the existence of Matalin Mary, one would assume that Mary Matalin wouldn’t have a problem with the combination, though maybe you meant to say Matalin Mary instead of Mary Matalin.
Eh, Biden’s policy preferences aren’t great, but they’re hardly calling for things to stay the same either.
Eh, I think Biden loses more on the merits than on a scandal.
Concurrently, the DNC announced that the primary debates would be held at 2 p.m., allowing the candidates time to take a brief post lunch nap while still being able to hit the blue plate special at the local diner, leaving enough time to get home to catch Jeopardy and be in bed by a sensible 8:30.
Alternatively, he could have asked Chris Christie how to make a Kushner go away for an extended period of time.
Bonus points for the Jason X reference.
Hey, look, something that is actually fake news!
For the most part I think you’re talking about hosts who had some sort of personal scandal break. Even by Fox News standards, these rants were bad, as typically Fox News hosts are better than this about dog whistling their bigotry, but seeing as these aren’t rape allegations, it’s possible that Fox News may now be…
Woah there Rafi, what did demons ever do to you?
Paying off your mistress for the purposes of preventing her from telling the world you were fucking her while your wife was recovering from childbirth a month before you face a general election is absolutely a crime, and it doesn’t matter where the money comes from.
This is true, and is a less disingenuous version of what the Republicans did with Hilary and Benghazi. I fully suspect that, outside of the most tinfoil hat Tea Party nutjobs, Congressional Republicans knew that their Benghazi investigation was bonkers. But the point was to keep digging at Clinton to find something,…
Not impeaching =/= pardoning.
Based on the rumblings I’ve heard, I’m not sure Splinter will survive even that long, but you’re right. Though I’ll hedge that. Trump’s been a massive boon for all forms of news media. But, some of that boon may hang around, to the extent that a lot of the things Trump did to generate so much coverage have…
Ugh. When a compelling reason to unionize is “we can negotiate a better severance deal for you!” that’s just ... depressing as hell.
Yeah, I mean, for sure the city will survive, but it’s going to be more of an obnoxious week for the natives than it would if this were held in one of the larger metro areas. For my money though, I like that the DNC likes to mix it up and don’t care that it’s a bit on the nose to have it hosted in a battleground state.
I think Splinter would want Biden in the race. As we approach the actual primaries, I think Biden’s presence will be the only thing that keeps the mainstream part of the party from lining up uniformly behind a single candidate that wouldn’t be Warren or Sanders. I don’t think Biden will do as well as he is polling,…
This is, of course, completely insane. According to the city’s tourist info site, there are over 17,000 hotel rooms in the greater Milwaukee area—well over the 16,000 rooms and suits requested by the DNC.