Yes, because Harvey Weinstein wasn’t a long time donor to the Democratic party or anything.
Yes, because Harvey Weinstein wasn’t a long time donor to the Democratic party or anything.
A legitimate political party, nope, but that doesn’t mean the label isn’t useful.
While I don’t think this will happen given our current political landscape, I do think this solution is one that both more rational and more achievable than statehood.
Yikes, the lynchpin quote here is just ... not correctly utilized.
Poached eggs are tasty, but for my money nothing tops a well presented sunny side up egg with a healthy serving of some breakfast meats, some sort of fried potato, and a small short stack of pancakes. If you asked me whether I wanted to brunch for 3 hours at some hoighty toighty restaurant or eat a simple breakfast…
But ultimately, it’s playing games the way that Zack does that would bring change. If you are going to keep paying $60 for major releases that are not in their “final form” then guess what’s going to keep on happening?
but we can’t apply the standard to all the candidates we don’t like and ignore the ones we do.
In one sense, at least someone finally decided to do away with the fiction that both Obama & Bush administrations carried on with, which is to say their budgets “balanced” by projecting federal deficits would end in 15-20 years based on GDP growth numbers that could best be described as unicorn farts-ian.
Nice one. Since there’s not an official request line as far as I can tell, I’m just going to ask here whether it’d be possible for you to do a David Sirota impersonation.
I mean, at least he was finally honest about it. That’s been true in both chambers for far too long IMO. Abolishing the Senate is a divide by zero proposition that’s pointless to discuss, and I think abolishing the filibuster is a fool’s errand because if you have to abolish the filibuster to pass big legislation that…
Don’t think you can cut federal spending to specific states, but you could freeze spending in the programs altogether though.
Of course, now the article’s been updated to say “calling it like she sees it”, which I feel like ... maybe should have included an acknowledgement of the particular reason it was updated?
I’m not sure I agree that’s quite the pace it will happen at. What I suspect will happen is the DNC will wait to see whether the Justice Democrats & Co succeed at primarying any of the actual moderates (i.e. not politicians like Crowley who was in a deep blue district, but Democrats like Dean Phillips) they may target…
A couple of thoughts.
Probably Nick wasn’t being intentionally racist there, which is a much more meta statement on a story about people not using language competently in an environment fraught with land mines.
I can understand that she’s tired of talking about it, but she was granted immunity for her testimony. She should probably just go and get it over with, because it’s going to be pretty hard to win a case that the subpoena isn’t lawful.
This makes me so glad that I am not anywhere even remotely close to the cutting edge of gaming. Between time and my own replay preferences, I won’t get to a game like Anthem for another year or so.
It’s hilarious that this proposal doesn’t address them, as, to the extent the premise of breaking up any entity is that it’s a monopoly, those 3 companies are much more clearly monopolies (especially in a regional sense) than Amazon, Google, or even Facebook.
This is probably a good idea as Comcast is actually a monopoly that actually harms consumers that might actually have snowball’s chance in hell of surviving a court challenge. I feel like Amazon would win it’s case to reverse the breakup of their Whole Foods merger 9-0.
Amazon wasn’t a grocer at all, and Whole Foods makes up a miniscule portion of the supermarket space. What’s the argument that Amazon acquiring Whole Foods meaningfully reduces competition or is bad for consumers?