
That’s fair, but the fact that it’s a reggae band at all is still pretty funny.

I know you’re a troll, but how the hell do you keep a straight face arguing that having a reggae band, white, black, or some color from the 9th dimension that we can’t even describe, perform anywhere but in Hell to an audience of audiophiles as a form of special torment represents a “popular sensible idea”?

This is my chance to get back in stateside!

Unless you’re going to convert that into something more, such as information about Trump getting a handy at this lady’s establishment, it’s a petty and useless game to get into, because it’s almost 100% certain that every potential Democratic nominee, owing to them all having been public figures for quite some time,

Maybe. Then again, at the time McConnell decided to stymie Obama’s nominee, it was a measured bet that voters wouldn’t punish him for breaking precedent. It paid off, obviously.

Yeah. How much use should we think a quote from 20-40 years ago is in evaluating how a politician will likely govern today?

I saw him bartering a swipe for a slice.

Not to say it’s a good argument, but his argument appears to be “Their parents showed up out of the blue and wanted to sell their daughters to me, and I only bought them because I thought letting them stay in a home with parents who wanted to sell them was terrible.” 

The bigger issue isn’t Republicans per se it’s that the way the American electorate behaves means passing big legislation on purely partisan vote with a narrow majority is risky.

Oh come on.  They’re fun!

Let’s not kid ourselves here. He is an unreliable witness. Look at who he was willing to work for and look at what he was willing to do for him for chrissakes!?!?!?! Dude’s a massively corrupt person, and the only reason he’s doing this is because Mueller has him dead to rights and even with the Trump pardon, he’ll

Oh come on. If you are a developer and take a look at the games Valve has banned, it’s not that hard to know how to develop inside the lines. Like, just because there’s no bordered box around the edges of a page, you instinctively understand that if you are writing a letter, that what you write has to fit within the

But the bigger tragedy is that this game was allowed to be listed via an automated process that was always still subject to review! And that Steam is, like, not being super explicit and consistent with their moderation policy!

Never underestimate the power of people to be deliberately obtuse when they want to have an excuse to throw rocks.

But in the grand scheme of things, does that matter? What’s the actual benefit to me to caring about the fact that Valve left off “Oh yeah and obvs if it’s going to make a bunch of drama for us we’ll boot it”?  

As is, it seems less like Valve’s vaunted “anything goes” policy is a bust. There’s still moderation, and it’s just as inconsistent as ever.

She was devastated and the ER doc even scolded us for getting excited and telling family (it was our first time getting pregnant). No one talks about miscarriages so she thought something was wrong with her body and it dispelled a lot of the fantasy of the pregnancy experience.

Well, the first step to achieving a miracle like getting the internet to not meme R. Kelly starts inside of you, with the belief that, if you can see it, you can do it.  Once you have that part down, there’s really nothing to it.

They did it in 2016 for the Democratic primary. As far as debates go, it was pretty run of the mill, though I’ve never looked at the ratings to see if this one was particularly low because it position Democratic candidates on a conservative network.

Shrug, the 2016 debate on Fox News was no more or less useful than the other Democratic primary debates.