I feel like a more accurate narrative is “After a brief haitus for a few decades, rich people resumed taking your money 40 years ago”.
I feel like a more accurate narrative is “After a brief haitus for a few decades, rich people resumed taking your money 40 years ago”.
You’re trotting out things you think are “bombshells” where the publicly available details are sparse and where, once again, plausible other explanations exist. If the additional details Mueller has dug up were really the killshots you so fervently want to believe they are ... something would have come out.
But with what information has come out over the last few years, I’m not even saying that the Mueller investigation would have found it. I’m suggesting that if there were something as truly molten hot as tangible evidence of Trump’s direct collusion, someone would have leaked that shit somewhere.
I mean, it’s possible the Democratic House could elect to impeach him over the Stormy Daniels payment ,but I think if that’s the worst that Mueller has on Trump directly, that the House will want to slow play impeachment proceedings for a bit while it engages in some of it’s own investigations. This lets them do two…
No, it’s not. If you’re going to prove collusion, you need meaningful evidence that Trump’s attempts to do things that Putin wants were a result of Trump himself deciding to work with the Russians. Maybe it doesn’t have to be videos of them colluding or whatever, but it can’t just be “well, given the circumstances,…
Yeah. Nothing I’ve seen actually lends itself to believing Mueller has any evidence that Trump himself directly colluded with Russia. That’s not to say it couldn’t have happened, but it hasn’t come out yet.
I mean, that’s true, but also, what I said is true.
It’s right in the source article that this story is derived from. When it comes to Democratic candidates not named Bernie or Elizabeth, do yourselves a favor and take Splinter’s write-ups with a gigantic grain of salt, and then some.
“cool nothing matters carry on” is Rafi screaming for the world to hear that he knows better than Virginians in woke-Millenial-ese.
Yep. You can tell in one sense that Libby knows it’s a nothing burger, because she doesn’t unload with both barrels on Sherrod Brown.
He’s already explicitly stated he won’t be taking corporate PAC money for 2020.
I mean, right in the fucking source article there is a quote from Elizabeth Warren stating that, when it comes to financial regulation, she and Sherrod Brown share the same values. But because he doesn’t go in for theatrics and understands that being a regulator means actually talking to the entities you want to…
I’m glad, I guess, to know bankers think Sherrod Brown isn’t so bad.
Christ. I could literally feel a sleeve of fatty tissue sliding over my heart just from reading that headline and looking at that picture. Pastrami is so, so, sooooooooo good but the last thing I need is to smoke a whole one.
While feverishly asking with slightly parted lips if any of the cheerleaders work at the Abercrombie & Fitch store at the local mall.
Professional cheerleaders being subjected to degrading and objectifying appraisals and overall treatment is, infuriatingly, pretty much par for the course.
If you’re playing with a kid in the room, you’re going to be yelling “cover your eyes” and racing for the mute button regularly.
Having worked for someone very similar to Trump in many ways (who was actually good at business though), this is absolutely what he and people in his position think.
Yep, it’s true. Most politicians, black and white, who were around in the 90s were straight up wrong on this topic.
She beat him in a primary that roughly a fifth of the Democratic electorate bothered to vote in. Ocasio-Cortez is very much like Bernie Sanders. She doesn’t identify with the Democratic party in any meaningful way. But she’s also smart enough to know the difference between who you can motivate to get out to a primary…