Well, that’s how the brewery perceives what happens. Presumably the guy disagrees with that take, and I believe is asserting he suffered consequences later on.
Well, that’s how the brewery perceives what happens. Presumably the guy disagrees with that take, and I believe is asserting he suffered consequences later on.
I don’t have a problem with a venue not allowing outside food or drinks, but it does seem like a problem that at a longer event they would run out of water. I think these types of locations and the concession operators who work there just aren’t used to planning for 8-10 hours a day.
I don’t think we should punch all the vegans. I do think we should punch all the vegans who respond with moral indignation and cries of oppression when some dingaling shouts “punch all the vegans” though.
Sadly, I suspect that the most educated group of non-Natives on what life is like on a reservation might be fans of the show Longmire. The natural political allies of Native Americans live far away from them.
Everyone needs a friend as fanatically loyal to them as Roger Stone is to Donald Trump.
Should the political will for single payer start to materialize more robustly, an already existing public option is the simplest way to move towards it. Lower premiums, lower deductibles, lower co-pays. Price out private insurers who actually have to make a meaningful economic profit to justify staying in a complex,…
She is 100% absolutely without question going to endorse him. Without Sanders, there is no Ocasio-Cortez. Period. Hell, the only reason she’s in the Democratic party is that there would have been no way to beat Crowley in a general election so instead she bull rushed him in a primary no one has cared about in 20 years.
Sanders couldn’t beat a hobbled Clinton in 2016. Hell he couldn’t even win the black vote against Clinton who was fighting off a soundbite calling black youth “superpredators” and saying “we’ve got to bring them to heel.”
I would strongly suggest you consider abandoning thread here.
That’s because it is way less than Squire Patton & Boggs rakes in. They rake in ~$1 billion annually. Calling them a “lobbying firm” is about as useful a descriptor as calling Amazon a photo sharing service because with a Prime membership you get free cloud photo storage and management.
This is not in reference to the Senate but rather the place of the progressive movement in the Democratic party as a whole.
Uh, yes, multiple things can indeed be true. R. Kelly can be a freakazoid pedophile and Michael Avenatti can be a shameless d-bag using the fact that everyone is trying to get R. Kelly finally to give himself cover in the wake of a domestic abuse scandal.
I keep joking about this, but a part of me hopes he engages in what is effectively a legal bribery racket to get the electoral votes from one small state and then invests his money in such a way as to try to prevent either party from reaching 270 electoral votes, meaning he’s on the ballot for a vote of the House…
Maybe, but on the flipside, those are the people who are the most diligent about getting out to vote. Honestly Sanders should not have run if his goal was to have a progressive Democratic candidate. He should have given someone like Elizabeth Warren his full and unconditional support (without being on the ticket). I…
Honestly the Democratic primary is such a mess that a public option oriented candidate might do just fine. Even if you say you’re going to nuke the filibuster and brute force through the President’s legislative agenda, I suspect many Democrats intuitively grasp that using a narrow majority to pass sweeping changes is…
I mean, public support has shifted, but that ignores Senate/House dynamics. If you did polling by state (An essential thing to do when trying to benchmark probable federal legislative success) I suspect you’d not find “majority” support for medicare-for-all. You might be able to cobble together a coalition in favor of…
I don’t have a problem with a news organization watching a tape sent to it so it can confirm the contents are what the sender says they are and write a story on it. It’s not like they pulled a Gawker and posted a clip of the tape with commentary and a laughtrack or anything.
I don’t mind the personal anecdotes.
and why CNN checking out the video before the cops?
I actually viewed this as a clear attempt by Avenatti to do that.