
I guess I just think, for ideas as sweeping as “Net Zero Emissions in A Decade” you shouldn’t float it as a Congressional Resolution, even a non-binding one, without having a bit more concrete support for how it might even be plausible. I’m not asking for a 1000 point plan with a crunch timeline that goes down to the

But a plan is something that actually suggests HOW to do something. This doesn’t do that. It just says “WE SHOULD DO THESE WONDERFUL THINGS!” In my view, there’s nothing to oppose or support here. When someone comes along and actually floats an idea for accomplishing some or all of the wonderful things suggested in

but a framework for both aggressively tackling climate change and greatly expanding the social safety net so America resembles something like a 21st century society.

But ultimately that still is a relatively small segment of the population. To me, when you say a culture is “Dystopian” that implies a much more dominant place in society than it occupies.

Think of it less as rooting for him and more for rooting against what Pecker/AMI & Trump are trying to do. I don’t know about the government being involved, but I do buy the theory that this is politically motivated because Bezos has affirmed the Post’s aggressive reporting in the era of Trump. AMI straight up has

Right? America’s fat and getting fatter, but fitness culture, as ridiculous and stupid as a lot of it is, somehow creates a “Dystopian” atmosphere?

Fitness culture sucks, but if it feels “dystopian” to you, then you need to get a grip. America’s fat and getting fatter. Don’t sugar coat it, or we’ll eat that too.

Yeah, okay, keep fucking that “Pelosi is a corporate schill” chicken, idiot.

Yeah. I honestly wish the Democrats were capable of having a rigorous ideological debate without that sort of thing happening, but when people like to play out those sorts of conflicts on social media, inevitably that sort of petty bullshit rhetorical gambit creeps into the conversation.

Eh, I feel like that sort of rhetorical flair was brought to the internecine conflict within the Democratic party by social media oriented progressives and Pelosi’s just decided she’s going to fight that fire with fire.

Oh Baracka you too cute. Nancy Pelosi’s been pushing for meaningful climate change legislation since before Ocasio-Cortez was a tween with braces.

I definitely don’t think Congressional Republicans have anything meaningful to contribute to climate bills, ones called the “Green New Deal” or otherwise, but I also don’t think we can pass robust legislation on the basis of a slim majority without it being brittle as hell.

It was a legal question that the CFPB’s own legal counsel (as hired under the prior administration) settled in favor of Trump. Regardless, once Trump nominated an actual director, English dropped her case because whatever hypothetical grounds she may have been able to argue were based on the fact that no appointment

Golly Jee, maybe if the geniuses who dreamed up the CFPB hadn’t made the CFPB Director into essentially a fucking emperor when it comes to the agency, and had instead established a rotating group of commissioners or directors, then the CFPB’s enforcement and rule making posture wouldn’t pinwheel around so strongly.

The Post later disputed Fairfax’s denial, writing that “The Post did not find ‘significant red flags and inconsistencies within the allegations,’ as the Fairfax statement incorrectly said.” Afterwards, Fairfax accused the Post of “smearing” him.

Keep telling yourself that and you might believe it long enough to have your heart broken.

Jesus, he looks younger than McVay does. If he shaves that very modest five o’clock shadow, in that suit and tie my first guess would be that he’s the President of a group of College Republicans’ who’s lifelong dream is to score with Michelle Malkin or Ann Coulter.

NBC News has learned that Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax used profane language in a private meeting Monday night, while referring to his accuser, Dr. Vanessa Tyson.

Two sources tells us Fairfax said of Tyson: “Fuck that bitch.”

Eh, I don’t trust it though. Splinter gobbles up social media viral meme-able bullshit moments from politicians they like.  Any time Our Lady Patron Saint of District 14 posts something on Twitter, Splinter’s writers wind up with fresh scabs across their knees, metaphorically speaking.

epic viral own moment