
Watching Trump try to be “Presidential” in a SOTU reminds me of watching my 4 year old try to emulate me. Some of the components are there, but it’s all sort of jumbled together chaotically and haphazardly, and without him understanding why I do any of the things he is pretending to do in the slightest.

Alternatively, we could push for all that stuff and not wear masks that don’t do much to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.

So there you have it, Booker’s got a boo. But we really have to get past this notion of involving ourselves inside a politician’s private life. Dating is the right of the unmarried. It’s an earned and inherent Constitutional right. I think it’s the amendment that is right after “thou shalt not worry about how another

Between now and when she arrives in South Carolina needs to whisper in Jim Clyburn’s ear that he needs to forget that old fart Biden and “accidentally” express support for Kamala Harris.  

Some folks look at Alexa ratings. Other people attempt to subjectively evaluate the quality of the writing, but me, I prefer to look at how subtle the troll bait is when evaluating the current state of a website. Judging by your comment, this place is going down the shitter.  Your initiation wasn’t the worst it could

Was that ever not their mission though?  Even in the middle part of the 20th century, I think that was their mission.  I think trying to change that is pointless.  Just tax and regulate them more effectively, so we can all do away with the sham of things like “Corporate Social Responsibility” and a bunch of pointless

It’s not shocking that a white dude from Virginia would be associated with a racist photo from 1984, or that he’d resist stepping down over said racist photo.

The level of drama and desperation this whole debacle seems to invoke is exhausting.  A part of me wants Disney to make this right and hire back Gunn, but another part of me wants them to respond to the folks who are screaming in desperation at them like they murdered a baby by coaxing Uwe Boll out of retirement.

Corn syrup” is one of those things that sits closer to “everyone knows this is in a lot of terrible foods” though, so you can safely slag it while not coming across as hoighty-toighty.

SOme people like the over-cooked skin that forms on queso

I mean, we only don’t know it to be true if we’re going to be disingenuous shitheels for the purpose of an internet debate.

Well, for starters, nativism in American politics pre-dates Trump.

That’s all well and good, but the call to “Abolish ICE” is not asking to actually get rid of all immigration enforcement.

It’s true, though I’d bet you can make a mean queso with cream of mushroom because as an ingredient in sauce/dips cream of mushroom is damn flexible.

Well, first off.

I could see it. A quick google search reveals a bunch of recipes with it in queso dip. As a sauce component, cream of mushroom is more flexible than you might think.

This just looks like queso cooked too hot.

The larger problem, however, is having an agency in the first place whose mission can be significantly warped so that it justifies upending the lives of people who are doing nothing wrong except living here.

You know how I can tell you’re a troll?