Peter's Spiel

You are raising your child properly. Carry on.

My toddler won’t stop screaming GAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHZZZZZOOOOOOO at peak child volume (1 million decibels), which is his attempt at my GGGGAAAALLLLLLAAAAAZZZOOOO...and now my wife looks like she wants to murder both of us. Whoops. New skill unlocked for the kid.

Expanding on this, it occurred to me later that the reason why we see Chris thinking about the deer while in bed with Rose was because he kept thinking of his mother being hit by the car and being left to die; especially since the deer was female.

There’s also the convenient fact that Chris didn’t have parents to come looking for him when he went missing. If you’re picking out people who are easy to abduct, not having any close family (to put pressure on the police and organize a search) would be an important qualifier.

One of the most interesting pieces of conversation come from the desires of the blind man who “purchased” Chris at auction. He starts off their conversation by sharing how much he admired his work, how he failed at being a great artist bc he lacked “the eye” and how it took him to his current path - which, if you

When Georgina spills some of the ice tea, it’s because she is almost put under a trance by the mom stirring her tea with a spoon

When Rose is eating Froot Loops cereal and drinking milk separately, it’s because she can’t have the white (milk) and coloreds (froot loops) mixing at all. Even they have to be segregated. And if you notice, she takes 3 big sips of white for every one piece of colored, demonstrating her huge preference of white over

A couple things noticed by my wife and me*:

Wasn’t it a fancy letter opener and a hunting rifle. Not saying that’s as obvious as a croquet ball, but those are both in line with that premise.

I believe Rose intentionally targeted people who had bad habits (i.e. smoking, nail biting). That way the dad could tell the same bullshit story “I used to have the bad habit of X, but then my wife hypnotized me. Now when I even think about it, it makes me want to throwup.” Probably used that line to get a lot of the

Also, up until he starts using the phone camera, he doesn’t have the flash on his DSLR activated. So he takes photos several times throughout the film, but never with a flash until the two phone incidents causing the bugouts.

I liked how the dad went on a long rant about his violent hatred of deer. He dies from Chris impaling him with a deer’s head.

Knew Rose was a plant once I saw her “party clothes” - she wore the same red and black as the other guests. Solidified the idea that she’s been a part of the family tradition her whole life. And that the red/black color scheme iz very Nazi-ish.

If you go back to the scene where Chris was taking pictures outside of the house, and he zooms in on Georgina in the upstairs bedroom as she is inspecting her hairline in the mirror. And then later they reveal the whole procedure, and you realize that all of the black people were wearing hats or had their hairline

Got to give so much credit to Bradley Whitford (Rose’s Dad) for his performance. Nearly everyone of his lines has undercurrents and hidden meanings, but he really plays it off under the mask “just being a silly and occasionally inappropriate dad”

I gotta say, it was one of the few films I’ve come across where the villain(s) “reveal master plan” was justified properly. When Chris is in the prep room with the TV, Stephen Root’s character tells him that the body swap process works better if both people understand what is happening. Excellent exposition without

don’t forget the lacrosse stick!

I enjoyed the smaller, funnier details. Like all of the white people sports that were displayed throughout this movie. Badminton, in the basement there was a dart board, ping pong table, foosball table.

Someone on a forum I go to pointed out how Rose’s defense of Chris to the cop in the beginning was a clue that something wasn’t right due to her not wanting the cops to have a record that Chris was out there since.... well.. you know.