Peter's Spiel

Man, it must really bum you out to hear that climate change involves increases in extremes of all types, such as droughts *and* floods. How are you to possibly know what to think if scientific concepts have the slightest bit of nuance or complexity? We’d all better stick to smartphone reviews just to be safe and not

This is a bad take and I hate the Celtics and don’t care about Paul Pierce at all.

That poor behavior really took a negative toll on the team, holding them to below 51 points in the third quarter. So selfish.

I am waiting for the inevitable Grayson Allen/Draymond Green showdown in a year or two. It will be an NBA salute to the Rockettes.

He’s just promoting his new game.

you mean to tell me that if attention had actually be paid to velcro r&d in the past 25 years, we wouldn’t have a velcro system as-good-if-not-better than some bits of string cunningly slotted into holes? if people weren’t so hung up on what looks normal and had a little intellectual curiosity and imagination, we

Your username makes more sense now.

Less visits to the mound.

Me, too. I find I’m a better all-around performer when I don’t have sex with Kate Upton.

Not having sex with Kate Upton also worked for Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle and Sandy Koufax. .

You know Hilary’s emails hid plans to stop transgendereds from using the bathroom and like provide huge tax breaks for CEOs. And I bet her emails also had golf scheduled for like every weekend after she became president.

Huh, lot of awful white people.

“Hmm, yes, let’s ignore the president of the United States, that’ll stop him.”

My 79-year old grandma had a hole in one a few years ago, Trump. You’re not special.

“Be polite, silent, gentle..........and also supple and smooth with graceful curves that start at your waist, and continue to your your soft thighs and gently twist inward below your pelvis and culminate in that tight triangle of pleasure known as..........oh shit, what was I talking about again?

I don’t preorder games... Bioware games being the sole exception. Even if the combat isn’t great (DAI) even if the ending sucks (ME3), even if the graphics aren’t the best (DA2) these games always engage me for months. I love their lore, their story but above all, I love their characters and relationship you have with

I would find myself in the infirmary a lot, and I mean a LOT, if Natalie Dormer was the resident medic.

It’s not the worst trade Divac has been involved in.

Vlade traded the Tanquarray for a bottle of Malört and a pack of cigarellos to be named later.

How dare you give up faith? Here’s how Bernie can still win.