Peter's Spiel

C’mon, it’s 2017. Aren’t we beyond obsessing over Piazza’s possible love of cured meats?

1. Al. Al? AL! Do you really think Mentos are gum?

Irrelevant to your well-played joke, but when I first started working, I worked with a guy from Argentina. He was mentioning the restaurants he goes to and I asked him what were Argentina’s kind of standard dishes, like tacos and Mexico or poutine or backbacon and Canada, chicken tikka masala and the UK, etc.

Once legal weed sweeps the nation, they’ll call those bags what they are: ounce bags.

Do they not have tacos in Argentina?

I can’t imagine Magic doing that. He seems like a positive person.

If Magic’s smart the first thing he’ll do is follow Jordan’s lead of antagonizing the players on his team, as well as potential future signings, by constantly saying he could suit up today and beat their asses on the court if he wanted to.

Well he did totally call it on the Durant kid. I hear he’s really great.

The only way Magic doesn’t succeed is if the Lakers don’t win at least 50 games a season, make deep runs into the playoffs, maybe steal a championship or two and draft promising players while managing a sensible free agency campaign that complements existing players with an eye to the future.

I hate the Lakers but man, they won five championships under Kupchak’s tenure (and went to another two finals), rebuilt post-Shaq in two years, probably should’ve gotten Chris Paul, managed to survive the “old Kobe” era relatively unscathed, and are in the process of bringing up a team of young guys who look like they

“The only way San Antonio or Miami don’t win the championship is if neither team makes the finals.” - Magic Johnson

My deep concern is that Trump (or at least his team) knows this recursive tendency and exploits it to distract his supporters and casual observers from the real issue — his Russian entanglements. I think his press conference last week, the declaration of War Against the Media, the fights over “voter fraud” and crowd

I mean he explained that people who report in war zones and cartel land are heroes. That would encompass those 2,291 heroes. The ones who aren’t reporting from somewhere dangerous are just people doing there job. I have coworkers who did audit work for military in Iraq. Their compound got shelled and some were

“Peter King taught me how to make love to a woman and how to scold a child!”

Peter King came to my town once. Went to a diner and loved the coffee so much he drank four pots. Then he took a three flush shit. You could hear the splashing sounds from the sidewalk. Afterwards he comes out smiling, telling us all, “Hell of a toilet you got there. American Standard. Nothing like it.”

You’re absolutely correct, Hamilton, journalists are not heroes. Everybody knows that it is the copy editors who are the true heroes.