Peter's Spiel

Because the IOC is one of the most corrupt organizations on the entire planet and America already has enough issues without adding that group of scumbag assholes to the list of people to deal with.

Good. Clearly they’re not Hungary enough for it.

Los Angeles was considered the front runner over Paris until very recently, but it’s unclear the degree to which the Trump presidency will impact the bid. U.S. Olympic officials and L.A. mayor Eric Garcetti are apparently worried that it could have a negative impact, and push L.A. behind Paris.

the only thing i care about in football is when the winning team lines up to gently kiss the tip of the president’s penis and receive a championship muffin

the only thing i care about in football is when the winning team lines up to gently kiss the tip of the president’s penis and receive a championship muffin

Chris...don’t you make me like you.

After you stopped watching to write this, he asked a black reporter to set up a meeting with the black caucus, blamed an uptick in Nazi graffiti on “the other side,” and, fuck, probably a few other things but I’m high now because weed is medicine and I’m very sad.

It’s good to keep this in mind when talking about what kind of player Westbrook is. He’s often talked and written about in the most visceral and primal terms—that’s not a bad thing, really, because the game roars when he’s in it—but Westbrook is as precise as he his punishing. You don’t average a triple-double in

If Donald Trump is not President in “the Uncle Drew universe” then I will volunteer myself to human testing of a machine that will enable travel there.

I’m more upset by the fact that they didn’t go with “Uncle Drewniverse.” RIGHT THERE, LOU.

This came about last year and the university held Sandstorm hostage and wouldn’t play it at any basketball game. The students then started chanting Fuck KU to any music that was played whether over the PA or by the band. They finally relented and played it once last year. Same thing this year, they played it once,

Today I learned Kansas State was a “world-class university”.

Let me help out the people of Lawrence.

Why are all of you 3-4 TP Square people coming out of the woodwork today?! Never in my life have I used that little to wipe. Fucking insane clown show here today!

One is cutting things pretty close, I can’t imagine only one. But 20, or whatever Drew was listing? That’s insane. I feel like all his advice is now suspect.

Jesus I’m so fucking tired of people making that “Zodiac Killer” noise about Senator Cruz. Have some fucking respect, assclown.

So, does Pop have any plans for, say, 2020? Asking for a country.

Now playing

I am going to cause you emotional distress by posting this clip. Forgive me.

I would love to have a conversation with Pop but I’m sure after 3 minutes he would shake his head and mutter ‘I got better shit to do’ and then walk away.