Peter's Spiel

MABA: Make America Bane Again

I’ve been saying for months that Trump is literally a comic book villain.

i think that melania does herself no favors standing next to FLOTUS. the genuine warmth next to the steely coldness of excess botox and lack of a soul is very jarring.

The different shades of red are killing me. The whole ensemble is giving me anxiety.

I really don’t even know what she was attempting to go for here?

When Trump burns down the Reichstag and blames it on this chubby Polish kid, we’ll see who’s laughing then.

Meanwhile, inside at the Deploraball...

I don’t know. An eastern European country having an undue influence to swing a vote to a mediocre white dude seems pretty fitting for where we are as a country right now.

Well if you really look at Westbrook’s historically high usage rate his statistics aren’t all th...

It’s kind of unfair because any vote that was just a garbled string of letters was automatically counted as a vote for Giannis.

“...the US spent 54% of its discretionary budget on the military.”

That’s your problem right there.

I think also, unfortunately, it’s just a microcosm of the uphill battle Democrats always face against Republicans. It’s incredibly easy to NOT make the government work, or to make it seem untrustworthy. It’s incredibly easy to promise lower taxes and the removal of regulations when you can assume those actions have no

Great blog, Albert, and perhaps an unintentional meta example of why we’re all so royally fucked.

He’s not even sworn in yet and has already had a number of instances of referring to any remotely hostile or adversarial coverage as fake and completely dismissing every single poll that says he isn’t beloved among the public by pointing to the fact that he won (with three million fewer votes than his opponent). Gonna

So ironic that the candidate least suited to address these issues was the only one smart enough to campaign on them.

Now playing

Hamilton Nolan on the GOP for the next four years:

I like how this piece goes from smooth, collected annoyance to fuck it fuck this fuck everyone fuck fuck fuck.

Let’s meet back here in four years to see how this fucking bet pays off.