Peter's Spiel

An NBA ref called traveling?

This ought to shut the highlight truthers right the fuck up. See? They do call traveling in the NBA.

Dear Jorge,

Process separation in Chrome is a key need for real stability to prevent any page from crashing the entire browser. Mozilla have just released this approach in v51 (on the Mac, at least), separating the web view from the main browser and are moving toward the process-per-tab approach soon.

IE still had 50% market share a year ago??

If this happened after a Cowboys home game Jerry Jones would be getting final approval from the Arlington city council for a new stadium by now.

In this market, you have to move fast to capitalize on potential gains within cultural subsets. If you aren’t doing community-based targeting strategies, you’re losing out on potential gains in market share. I am dead inside, there is only market share.

What I like about this post is that you’re successfully re-establishing your brand as one of the best Deadspin commenters to a whole new demographic of workshy masturbators.

“to help launch our brand into the market...”

Good thing you aren’t angling to be head of the Department of Education!

I literally watched this happen live (yes, I’m serious), and I still don’t believe it.

The only way to stop a bad bear is with a good bear. Ban bear free zones!

Packers. Every single one of them.

Jed York. He was handed everything he’s ever had and he acts like he fucking built it. He wasn’t even alive for the entity of the Dynasty Niners and he acts like he orchestrated that shit. I bet he’s the kind of dick who doles out “advice” to homeless people who ask him for money.

Over Snyder?

I presume you stopped reading the article at that point, as it goes on to explain specifically why it did not stop. Basically, the human is the boss, and they may override anything with their decisions. This would be useful in a situation where you were, say, faced with a glass store front while an out-of-control

I feel like if you decline to vote for anyone for, say, three straight years, then it should be clear you’re no longer interested in voting for the Hall of Fame and should be removed from the roster of voters.

we’ve all already bought “The Hike,” Magary, give it a rest.

used to be you’d go to the dang game as scheduled and die there from exposure and become an ice ghost and get into all sorts of cool adventures where you’d have to fight the Winter Wizard and get the Orb of Haarj to thaw the last thunderbird and ride it back to the waking world but i guess that time is over