Kinja - The Cat Who Became A Ninja

When asked if Chevy should succeed him on The Tonight Show, Johnny Carson famously opined “Chevy Chase couldn’t ad-lib a fart after a baked-bean dinner.”

For the most part, or at least with the bands I go see, it seems to be backfiring on the brokers. The two best times to buy tickets to concerts is either the day the tickets go on sale or about 4 hours before the concert. If you want specific seats, buy them the first day. If you don’t really care about where you si

It took a long time...but this film has finally been dethroned...

“Nuggets mascot passes out while being lowered from rafters.”

Normally when a video is described as funny, I can watch it without cracking a smile and move on to the next shiny object in front of me. However, this one is instantly entering the pantheon of clips that make me literally laugh out loud every single time I see it, along with “Raptors mascot on roller skates” and

Topher Grace is short for Christopher Grace.

That is one problematic double feature.

Going to go out on a limb and say these purchases were made in Georgia?

My first DVD player came with The Legend of Bagger Vance, which no one in America has watched in 13 years, and Gone with the Wind, which I still have yet have not watched.

It’s Coogler, shouldn’t it also star a different Michael Jordan?

Real missed opportunity by not making it look like Toad.

I knew it!  Batman is circumcised. Looks like Phil owes me 5 bucks.

The good news is the concessions stands there now offer precisely two Rocky Mountain oysters.


Golden State Warriors just signed that t-shirt cannon to a 4 year deal. 

Remember trying to buy a DVD player in the late 90s and not being able to walk out of the store without a copy of Space Jam and/or the Fifth Element?

I had, but I went with it, anyway.

but really, how did you not see that coming?

Go as a Pittsburgh Pirate, see if they get it.

I’m going to try this, but I’ll go as a Somali pirate.