
I am sad. 

Especially if you take it “dry” with white instead of red vermouth.

A properly prepared Negroni is the pure pinnacle of the cocktail arts. 

No, it doesn’t. It being in Wales makes you sound like a mouth breathing MAGA chud with all the intelligence we’ve come to expect from that set.

His surgery apparently went totally fine and was paid for and administered by the government. Apparently they just can't crush cars correctly.

No it doesn’t stand, it completely undermines the already shitty point you were trying to make. 

And let’s not forget how bad the attendance numbers look once you account for the fact that Philip Rivers’ family is responsible for filling half of the seats.

Nice to hear a personal from the maker of my favorite joy juice.

As soon as word got out that The Browns were finished with Gordon, everyone here knew exactly what was about to happen, right?

my gf hates me because of that. she takes 5 days to eat a box of biscuits, i do it in 5 minutes

Well look at Mr. I Can Have a Box of Oreos in the House Without Eating Them All in One Sitting over here.

Big whoop, Andy Reid can do the same thing for every meal he’s ever eaten. 

It was definitely this man’s unlocky day.

Paying shipping to own the libs

Paying shipping to own the libs

Get over the use of the word ‘agency.’ It’s a weird thing to be bothered about.

Mr. Jack, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this website is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may G-d have

look, i said sorry

Word on the LA Sports talk radio Rams waiting to pay Donald was more just to allow him to avoid camp than it was any real resistance to paying him.


My wife is so afraid of someone noticing her when she goes to poop, she actually keeps a 2nd pair of shoes in her desk so nobody recognizes her in the stall. She calls them her Shittin’ Shoes.