
Diedrich Bader is a really underrated gem in this movie.

When you’re an over-privileged hipster who gets to write pop-culture bon-mots on a trendy website, you have to constantly deflect attention away from your life, constantly prostrate yourself on the altar of romanticised poverty by deriding those working stiffs.

Pike clutches his stomach.

I never watched DS9, but even for a novice this has been grating:

She still owes Stephen Fry an Oscar, but. She can’t be all that great.

Don’t you cunts knock a national treasure.

I swear to fucking Christ on a non-Euclidean buttplug that AVClub staff just tap out their article on their phone’s keyboard.

...where he got raped. And then his parent beat the shit out of him for being raped.

But I’m also just about ready to touch the 3rd Rail of Trek-type shows and wonder aloud why is it always black male actors relegated to tons of latex prosthetic that get to be the lab-rats for working through these alien cultures with retrograde societal attitudes? Moclan burnout is setting in, maybe. But maybe not.

Dare I say it, but it’s very much like an American Exceptionalist take on the Prime Directive.

I mean, is that exactly what you’re doing, right now?

I know, right?

Guys aren’t gals. We can hate people without feeling threatened by them :).


I feel the showrunners know fans liked her, and she’s getting flanderized, with her anxiety and quirks locked into overdrive.

There’s an easy pacing solution here; Trim Section 31 and get back 15 minutes to your episode.

Well, where else can your earn yourself a Bachelor of Imagineering™, eh?

That’s what she said.

As is the “My black cohosh pills my naturopath recommended for my menopause make me make some CRRRRAZY purchases!” segment.