
I get the feeling that the Union is grateful to be in an alliance with the Moclans because the union would get stomped by them if they were not.

Look, it wouldn’t have bothered me if I could tell they were just trying to keep the costs down, to save budget for the big action pieces...

Yeah, I saw this and thought “Aw, crap.”

“Hey. Hey, viewer. Did- did you get how whatever happens to Moclans is, like, a...metaphor for stuff that happens to people on Earth today? Did ya? Did ya? Did ya get that? Huh?”

That’s my take on the title:

I loathed Tilly up until this point, but I honestly, actually like her character and performance in this ep. Playing her off against May, them building a bridge, teaming up, finding common ground, and establishing respect - if not actual affection - was a great move, and deserved to be more thoughtfully paced. I

Goes great shaved over some Kelpien ganglia risotto.

But the game’s casual sexism really through me out of the plot at times.

If Kirk hadn’t left his behind in the first place there’d be no chance of the gas escaping.

I had a pair of live action shorts, once.

You know what happened with Bioware, right?

Thoughts and Musin’s (I know I skipped last week):

I swear, it’s like someone wanted to do a space opera sci-fi show, had it written, pitched it, and they said “Yeeeeeeeeeah, look, we’re not doing new sci-fi IP. Tel ya what, slap some Star Trek branding on it and you got yourself a show.”

You forgot True Lies.

I miss Regretsy.

Welcome to Kinja.

BLACK WIDOW: “Um, I’ve been with the Avengers since Iron Man II, been in nearly every damn movie...can I have my own film now?”

I hear that’s what they’re replacing “Never Had A Friend Like Me” with.

Man, it must’ve been awkward on the set of Infinity War:

Fucking Ralph Fiennes never shot a Jew in his life, the hack!