
There’s an easy pacing solution here; Trim Section 31 and get back 15 minutes to your episode.

The other comment was getting long, so I wanted to address your Tilly-May stuff in another one. I agree, and I’ve been interested in the multi-episode arc. My favorite thing about it was that it’s basically Star Trek’s version of Baltar from BSG seeing a person no one else can. Baltar becomes an even more anxious and

I feel like half of this show is just Georgiou making dramatic entrances.

“I think that’s a central problem with the show: they keep trying to make Michael show humanity, yet nothing in her characterisation shows her to be capable of that. So it just seems forced.”

I’m going to need to use “sentient space truffle” in sentences more often from now on.

Haven’t watched it yet but another damn romance story?  I don’t remember the first season being “Space Love Boat”, if the second season continues with it I’m definitely dropping it.

God, this episode was melodramatic even for ST:D standards. Michelle Yeoh grabs an apple only to bite and then let it fall on the ground menacingly while the camera closes up on it. At times it felt like a parody.

The Tilly/May relationship felt rushed, because they went from this tense irritation and borderline anger to, “I understand you better than anything in the whole universe!” which would have had me whiplash if I hadn’t already kind of checked out by that point. I’m fine if that’s what they wanted to do with their bond,

No, it’s for copy editing, which is why the AV Club doesn’t care that the award won’t be televised.

Western Sydney , where the poor people used to live. That hill song cunt is a dick 

I’m not seeing that, but that’s Kinja for you. It’s probably showing you the code for “line separation” for some reason.

Makes sense, provided all the writers involved were from TV procedurals - that would explain the NCIS-level computer literacy :P

I still maintain that Skyfall is a crappy remake of Goldeneye.

Goldeneye is my favorite Bond movie as well.  By a long mile.  And I’m a big Bond fan.  It’s just the perfect Bond film.

Shouldn’t it be a squad of police who are killed and then assembled into one detective? 

I don’t think you need a ton of social aptitude to think that calling immigrants “monstrous” and “not human” is, like, bad.

The quiet one

She’s a VERY annmyoing part of life. Even Wesley wasn’t THAT annoying. She can be an entertaining comic relief, but the writers don’t really know when to turn her off, yet.

And you can see the different “command styles” throughout the episode. Commander Lucas does not offer Bobbie any information on what she’s up against or what the overall plan is, and Bobbie follows her orders nonetheless because that’s how things work in the MCRN (until you run into an ex-MCRN sailor you know,