
Did the Camazotzians at least speak with thick Russian accents and call everyone “Tovarische”?

“We’re handling the arm-chewing issue by paying homage to a another great cinematic legend: Thomas Edison. After Dumbo chews off his arm, Devito will lead him out to have a gigavolt shoved up Dumbo’s ass.”

“Halshey acted shtupidly.”

Good night, sweet rabbit.

I’m just glad we got you Seppoes back for Scientology.

Tilly’s trapped in a shroom, eh? Where have we seen this before?

The term is “nictitating membranes”. And it’s way cooler.

I gotta admit, I laughed my arse off at this. Just felt so forced and over-the-top. Is it considered rude to act so hammy in front of space-beef?

Ooooooh - the logos! They’re slanty.

Sweet! So it should be easy to make my dream Suzuki Jimny limo, praise be to the ladder chassis!

I cannot stand that man. Grant, I can see why nerds love him, because he looks like an American Brian Cox and sounds like a knock-off Carl Sagan.

The Scottish thespian?

Of fucking course Joe Rogan is a Tesla fan. All we need is for him to state his deep and undying love for anime, and the circle will be complete.

Exactly. Silicon Valley neckbeardery is just this decade’s 80s Yuppiedom.

I assure, members of the noble gentry, magistrates ‘cross the land have decreed it that we should ne’er publicise it! But to that we say fi! Fi, we say!

YES! Thank you! I just hinted that in a reply to xaa922 above:

I posit that it’s probably one the most important Bond flicks ever.

Uncanny valley has nothing to do with authorial intent, and everything to do with audience reaction.