
I feel...soiled. Soiled and violated.

It doesn’t have to be biologically accurate - only socio-politically accurate.

I, for one, welcome Torch’s sartorial and follicular transition into a New York fashion designer. Just need some man-bangles and a pince-nez on a chain around your neck and you’re set.

Have you been inside one of the fuckin’ things? It’s a shit car, designed for people with shit taste in 4WDs, as you said: Jeep Wrangler enthusiasts.


How about talking about industrial capitalism, climate change, and war? New Eden is a society that appears to be a pre-industrial homeostasis. Owosekun grew up in a Luddite commune on an Earth where the Luddite conviction that new technology is likely to lead to ruin has been proven false. Yet, when the New Edenites’

It’s an incredibly ironic stance to take given the them of this episode, aye.

Look, if you’re gonna send a handsomely-greying military commander and a team down to explore and make covert contact with a human civilisation that’s significantly more primitive than the main cast’s and worshipping a familiar, if outdated, Earth regilion that was flung out across the galaxy, I’m tellin’ you there’s

Best part of the episode:

Changstein el-Gamal!


A school for assassins, you say?

You mean American black person, right?

Thor: Ragnarok did it all better. And was fuckin’ hilarious to boot.

“African Exceptionalism”? It’s literally an American exceptionalist story, just swapping out the USA for Wakanda.

How was BP any more revolutionary than, say, Iron Man or Ant-Man or Spider-Man #1,425,506?

The funniest thing is that it’s pretty much an American story. Sure, yeah, fictional African country, but it’s one big American myth.

It’s cast with Africans who are literally just stand-ins for Americans...

How so? Why wasn’t Ant-Man or Generic Marvel Franchise Character Origin Film #5409 nominated?