
Oh, having black people on TV then was well within the letter of the law, but not the spirit of the law.

“Hey, remember that guy six months ago who shot his kid’s babysitter with a crossbow before threatening to jump off the Brooklyn bridge and then trying to claim it was because he heard the voice of god telling him to do it? Nothing to do with this ep - as you’ll see, it’s the Queensboro bridge in this one.”


*heavy breathing*

Yeah...except that means Micky’s going to kidnap the judge’s kids and send them their video of them getting skull-fucked by Goofy before Donald puts a bullet in their brains.


He cinematographs stuff. Duh.

But...sure, Waititi can do humour...but, really, anything else?

Remember that he and Kathy Bates were the only decent thing about The Northern Li- sorry, The Golden Compass.

Or Seth MacFarlane- wait.

A bluey.

What team? The one where Tilly does something stupid and Stamets has to compensate for it?

And Thor dangling on the chain as he’s meant to be exchanging barbs with Surtur. “I swear, that’s not me, it’s just doing that on its own.”

A bloodnut. 

But I guess that’s down to internalised misogyny rather than the movie being an absolute stinker too, right?

Man, Uwe Boll needs to cotton on to this, as a producer and director who’s deft at finding and exploiting such loopholes.

The defining trait of a nerd is having access to knowledge that others don’t, and that’s why CU’s are so popular. They provide both a known, structured, and predictable cultural framework that doesn’t rely on personal interpretation, judgment, or (gasp!), the dreaded SUBJECTIVITY - and knowledge that others won’t get

The original Mad Max was released with subtitles in America.

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How dumb do you have to be to be talked-out of doing something by a 1980s Arnold character?