
Australian here. We’re getting the usual fucking gender-based sympathy bullshit now that Kelly “The $6000 Toaster” O’Dwyer has quit.

Tranny Lemur should be played by Benzendrine Cucumber-Patch in the HBO biopic.

Thor Ragnarok is a goddamn treasure because many things, but especially because of Hemmo. The fucking “OH MY GOOOOOOOOD!” when Golblum melts the guy next to him, the “Reeeeeeeally? face he makes when talking to Banner, and getting beaned in the noggin by the ball threw.

Hemmo’s a mad cunt - deadset Aussie legend.

I went to a theater to see it because of all the spiteful nerd rage against female Ghostbusters and I wanted it to be good, but it just wasn’t.

Is it mansplaining if Michael does it?

Shhhh, you’ll get tarred and feathered for mansplaining!

Join the boy scouts, then!

“Huh. So that what the blue alien-robot-Nebula-From-Guardians-Of-The-Galaxy is called.”

She’d also find joy at seeing a weird mirror. That’s not a high bar to clear with Tilly.

True, but not spend a whole hour on that damn joke. It would’ve been a great B-plot to the actual A-plot of the ep (rescuing the people on the dying planet).

And as an addendum to my original post...

That’s good. That’s exactly how Bortus works best: as an extreme contrast character whose cultural divide is so great it serves as fantastic non-sequiturs. The Latchkum game was a great example.

Well, you can’t spell “education” without “Ducati”.

That is a freaking excellent idea, matey.

with Richard Dreyfuss as the bourgeois Los Angeles family man who rescues a suicidal hobo (Nick Nolte) from his backyard swimming pool

...up until the ratings start dropping, at which point they’ll put Mikey in command. 


I don’t mind him, but fuck me, is anyone watching this for the marital drama?

Was Ghost Dog not available?