
“Do you think that’s air you’re breathing now?”

You actually read the the reviews?

Lukewarm-to-tepid take: the “Games” section of AV Club is criminally underutilised.

Great ep. Don’t really care about Spock, but hey, we’ll see where this goes.

No. Because it’s summer.

Is that a fucking off-brand Spirograph?

I think I am, B2!

I would watch an entire series based around the 10 months Jet spent on that rock.

“Normally, for, uh, politicians, they like to go for a suit, something projects an air of professional digni-”

Christ almighty, can we flush that stammering ranga out a fucking airlock?

This isn’t another fucking Bortas-heavy episode, is it?

Wasn’t Rachel a narcissistic, selfish, cow whose only redeeming quality was cold air conditioning?

What the fuck is Aniston’s appeal? Never understood it.

She bribed the judges with schnitzengruben.

Fun fact about Fight Club: neither Pitt nor Norton were able to be submitted for Best Actor because “you can’t have two actors playing the same character”.

But not a full-retard slave.

Hey, white people: y’know what else is racist? Fetishising Asian people.

Exactly 85% of the way through the movie...

The Guy Ritchie gangster movies always seemed to me to be what Tarantino would like to have done if, y’know, he was actually someone who was as cool and street-wise as Guy Ritchie, instead of being just the annoying, snivelling, scrawny nerd behind the counter video store counter who bitches out people’s choice of

And that the real superheroes! The Police Officers, the ambos, the firefighters, the woman who helps a little old lady cross the street, the man who helps a lost little boy find his mother, the man who lends his neighbour a lawnmower!