
I like to think it’s enshrined in the US Constitution that if beat the shit out of Andy Dick, no charges shall be pressed.

The wha?

“Now parge the lath!”

“From now on, she’s smokin’ for two!”

Hey now. Wasps provide valuable protein and much-needed stingy-ness.

Such is the life - and death - of a redshirt.

Paul Mall: Fart Cop.

This is actually reasonably good news. At least they’re not proceeding with a substitute director.

Ol’ Pep only keeps her around so Tony’s got someone to pump a load into whenever Pep’s got the jade egg and it would be really bad for her yonic wellness to remove it without a thorough baby-hatch steaming.

No, that would be Jeff Bridges’ spit-take in The Big Lebowski.

His facial expression tells us he just followed through on a fart.

Well, you’d be an easier target. I’ve watched enough Black Dynamite to know you don’t fuck with Sesame Street and its Muppets.

Farsight XR20 and Laptop Gun, because I am a bastard.

Perfect Dark

The phrase of my generation.


That’s just your judgment. 

The shifting light and shadow when Val’s fighting Hela...fucking amazing.

I love that - yes, even taking into account standard-issue GoG bickering - as soon as Thor wakes up he dominates the scene in a completely natural way.

Now playing

Who’d have thunk that the guy who directed a sheepshagger vampire mockumentary would be responsible for two of the greatest shots in MCU history?