
Someone pointed out he’s twenty years younger than RDJ, and so he’ll be around for a lot longer. I could do with 20 years of Hemmo calling Rocket “Rabbit”.

Dude’s way better than any one from Home And Away has any right to be.


I like to think that it’s been more than 2 years, 17 days: Orpheus got the diagnosis right but, of course, screwed up the date.

Fucking hell, they let people like you breed?

I mean, her and Ray Charles are epic high points in it.

Basically, Musk is the patron saint of snivelling corporate IT managers who spend their days plotting “Pffft. I work in IT; I could do any of my colleagues’ jobs standing on my if my own work weren’t so important. If I ran this company...”, because he seems, to them, like the exact sort of snivelling IT guy who got

Elon Musk is the only child Elon Musk wants to spend time with.

I’m...trying to watch this now, but it all feels rather outdated. Like a 90s show that was cancelled after a season.

The greatest service this silly Yarpie prick can give the people of planet Earth is to crash and burn spectacularly in coke-fueled, IRS-and-SEC-and-DEA combined investigation.

My father always thought the Penguin scene was painfully accurate.

Now playing

She’s honestly one of the better actors in Blues Brothers, too.

Which has been proven by the fact that they’ve been making the same damn Far Cry game ever since.

They’re only owning up to their privilege inasmuch as they want to be seen as humbled and repentant.

Torch is my favourite real-life gnome. I love the little scamp.

Buy out? I’m outta the loop on this; could you please explain?

Listen here, you fucking Seppoes. Your pilfering our of Hemsworths have left our own Hemsworth reserves criticially low.

I hoped they also arrested the fucking owner of the Dodge Ram for driving a fucking Dodge Ram in Europe.

Pena played an excellent Labrador in it.

I wouldn’t call anyone at Ubi a writer, hence “game designer”.