
Tracy Grandstaff has nailed how Daria would be today, IMHO: Daria would be childless and single, and working as a writer for a newspaper or magazine that only lets her write for the website.


That sounds like a sound theory! Of course, it’s VB, so who knows.

Bryan, I’m afraid I’m going to have to pull you up here on your journalistic skills, and ask you to please remember to refer to Holmes by her full title: “Theranos founder and noted loon Elizabeth Holmes”.

Plus, the whole theme of the show is screwing up, so that’s more like a deep metaphor for the show, or summink.

And raging alcoholism.

Perhaps kickstarting the PM’s old solar system?

This is why you don’t let STEM graduates do industrial design.

This guy’s played Deus Ex.

Fuck, you mean I’m gonna have to buy all new wigs to watch Avatar 2?

And the penis of a space-dog!

I loved the X-Files episode where MJ12 breaks into Scully’s apartment and replaces all her full-fat cream cheese with lite cream cheese, which was delightfully called back to in the seminal “Bad Blood”.

That’s my problem with this show. “Fuck it, we can do anything, and we’ll be vague enough about it to make you think you’re an idiot who just missed something. There’s no internal consistency, so there’s no surprise to our ‘twists’ any more.”

I had not even heard she was in anyway connected with this. Like, not even tangentially or remotely.

Man, the story of Gerald Bull is a movie-worthy one.

Really, it’s the media’s fault for publicising this.

He’s just a brown belt.