

Bastard Chef: “ a weekly audience of 3 million viewers.”

“Mr. Jiggle-Daddy” is one of the greatest euphemisms for wang ever.

Oh, dear.

He was more than a chef - he was a cook.’s also racist as fuck.

You should read Professor Kevin Warwick’s I, Cyborg - his book about having a chip implanted in himself with which he can do stuff.

“You OK?”


Fuck the critics: Death To Smoochy was gold and no one will convince me otherwise.

“Mr. Zuckberberg, is it true that many of the Facebook groups purported to be American political groups were in fact set up and run by Russian intelligence agencies?”

Aye. That’s my main criticism with it, too. Lots of places, too, but not all of them had meaning or reason. That abandoned, run-down cabin in NV is...just an abandoned, run-down cabin.

I always maintained that Bethesda did better environments - including environmental exposition (finding two skeletons, a male and female, propped up against a subway wall, hand in hand, blood spraying from their skulls onto the wall behind them from the pistol lying next to them they used to end their lives).

Too busy making post-apocalyptic Minecraft.

When people ask me to describe Silicon Valley, I’m finding it harder and harder not to fall back on the “It’s the perfect storm of sociopaths and the socially hopeless”.

Probably not as much as you’d like. Or hope.

Aye. Are you tuning in because:

Good god, man! Are you insane? We’re still dealing with the last not-that-realistic robot that got out and interacted with the US government:

You, sir, have a place on my pub trivia team any time.

Are you talking about Westworld or The Blacklist, lol?