
Fuck it, I would pay money to have him sing “Pure Imagination”.

I wonder if this is all supposed to be some sort of meta-narrative - “The writers do whatever the fuck they want with any and everything, because it’s, like, a metaphor for the park itself!” but I fear that would be giving them too much credit.

As Seth MacFarlane, of all people, once said at, of all places, a graduation ceremony speaking in, of all things, Glenn Quagmire’s voice: “If you’re gonna start a show about a buncha guys trapped on an island, make sure you know where you’re going with it.”

As Seth MacFarlane, of all people, once said at, of all places, a graduation ceremony speaking in, of all things, Glenn Quagmire’s voice: “If you’re gonna start a show about a buncha guys trapped on an island, make sure you know where you’re going with it.”

This is good for Bitcoin.

Gotta get that monetisation, bro!!!


Which Bernard? Aren’t there two now?

I have to keep reminding myself she’s actually the Executive Director, not just Sassy Teenager. Have to keep forcefully suspending my disbelief - she’s an adult businesswomen, not some Popular Girl from a 90s high school movie.

Seriously, what’s the core point of this show? “Hosts are just as human as we are- except, wait, no, the plot requires it right now that they’re not.”

I would love to see Maeve, Charlotte, and Dolores kill each other in a Mexican standoff.

Maeve? You mean Deus Ex Machina?

I’m yet to figure out what the point of this show is. There’s some pretty set pieces, and great cinematography, and acting, and special effects.

Instead, we get gated, yay?

Awkward username...

Ah, the Salmonella Surprise!

Heh. Weebs.

Aussie here.

“SHUT THE FU- when do we play?” is just so perfectly delivered, and I don’t think anyone else could’ve done it. They way he drops gears mid-sentence is amazing., you’ve only heard four other Courtney Love stories.