That, my friend, is TEXAS FOOTBAW!
That, my friend, is TEXAS FOOTBAW!
Actually, there are some grocery stores that are removing their automated checkout lanes, such as Shaw’s. I was actually kind of disappointed at first, because they make excellent express lanes, but there really hasn’t been an appreciable difference in my checkout time, and there is the added benefit of knowing…
Actually, considering how you don’t recognize that he’s made a good argument by insisting that the players become university employees, and that you are doing the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming LALALACAN’THEARYOU, I’m inclined to call you a few names myself. There’s a whole slew of…
You know, I’ve been reading these posts for about a week now and I am truly amazed at the fact that butcher was able to bring mostly everyone around to his point of view, except you. That’s not a compliment. It’s pretty clear that you’re only in this to be a dickish concern troll who has repeatedly ignored the reality…
Wait, you mean to tell me that a sports organization ignored all of the baggage that came with a talented player who could potentially help them win games/a championship? I’m shocked, SHOCKED.
Butcher’s argument isn’t bullshit, no matter what you may think about it. Also, it’s clear from his original comment that he’s not talking about making millions from other kinds of deals—other people are bringing that into the conversation and he’s just responding to it. To address your point from the story,…
BOOTSTRAPS! Or, as George Carlin put it, “if you’re pre-born, you’re fine, but if you’re pre-school, you’re fucked.”
Help me out here, because I’m only a casual Gawker reader: after Tommy and Max resigned, did Gawker stop posting today because the writers stopped in protest, or because the wheels came off and there were bigger fish to fry? I’m genuinely curious.
Holy shit, I love this guy. I haven’t laughed out loud this hard in months!
Good. Couldn’t have happened to a more self-important asshole.
Ah, thanks.
Kind of late in the off season to make the announcement. He may have screwed over the O-line a little bit there with such a short time to make the adjustment.
No, no you don’t.
My family’s word is “pal”. As in, “Hey, pal, get the fuck out of my stash of copropheliac porn.”
No such thing as cheating in a fight. You did what you had to do, and good for you.
Tell me, when you were growing up, did people say the word “fisticuffs”? This guy did exactly what he had to do in order to protect himself. He clearly didn’t know when or where they were coming, only that they were coming. In a fight, the only rule is get out of it as fast as you can, in any way that you can, and…
I just wonder how he manages to survive when he’s unemployed more often than he has a job.
Excellent point.
Again, I’m surprised because I thought it had been passed long ago (Clinton-era), and because the states I was living in (with the obvious exception of that right-wing shithole, Tennessee) also recognized sexual orientation as a protected class. Also, as I’m straight, it’s not exactly like it’s on my radar all the…
I don’t know why, but for years now I thought that sexual orientation was one of the Protected Classes. It wasn’t until the past few days when I heard comments, such as yours, when I looked it up and was surprised not to see it there. I knew that gender identity wasn’t protected, but I could have sworn orientation…