
I brought those people up as examples that should cause cognitive dissonance in Republicans who believe in social Darwinism. They are all rich, but I doubt many on the right would see them as deserving. Not contradicting your point, just pointing out that it's yet another rule that only applies when they want it to.

If you can’t make an unsubstantiated assertion properly, then how are we supposed to trust your arguments aren’t riddled with logical fallacies?

I agree with your consensus. And yet the counter examples... Paris Hilton. Or, if you want to go nuclear, Al Sharpton has a net worth reported to be in the millions. George Soros is a billionaire. Al Gore. Warren Buffet. I know logic won’t have any impact, but I still get some small pleasure out of their eternal No

This is completely tangential to your story but one time I called Whole Earth looking for a particular brand of hiking boots. The guy on the line told me they stopped selling anything by that brand because of their soles. Dumbass me decided to troll him and feign ignorance: their SOULS? You mean, they all went to

But seriously is there any restaurant whiter than Cracker Barrel? With the shitty renditions of Grandma’s Home Cookin’ and Fixins’, and the little golf-tee triangle puzzles that are on every table and have probably never been washed, and the crappy gift shop full of ancient novelty items that you are forced through on

The Male Weenus.

I think the real sin here is the beige Buick. I imagine it having a vague but cloying air-freshener smell, and all kinds of real shitty (beyond McDonalds shitty, like Wienerschnitzel shitty) food bags wadded up and stuffed under the seat.