So what are your thoughts on the gunman who broke into the house of Gavin from the Slo Mo Guys? Do you think a guy who made videos of... things in slow motion... was deserving of it?
So what are your thoughts on the gunman who broke into the house of Gavin from the Slo Mo Guys? Do you think a guy who made videos of... things in slow motion... was deserving of it?
I’m surprised anyone is surprised.
Kotaku publishes a lot of dumb articles, but at least they make corrections (unlike 96% of other blogs/news outlets).
Everyone, just do the world a favor and don’t make public marriage proposals anymore.
“Video game’s portrayal of police as the good guys feels out of touch”
Maybe video games (and any sort of fiction, for that matter) aren’t for you, Heather
Moral vacuums are nice to have sometimes. This is one of those times. Contrast with the most recent Tomb Raider, which was weakened overall by its failure to resolve its gameplay and the underlying moral dilemma of what that gameplay would lead to in the real world.
Spider-Man’s portrayal of policing feels divorced from reality
Sex is natural, violence isn’t.
I’m still baffled by how gaming culture glorifies violence but treats sex as taboo. Sex is natural, violence isn’t. Unless you’re a god damn cheetah, which most humans are not. Which, lets face it, a video game about a human-cheetah hybrid going on a killing spree sounds pretty fun. But a game where characters have…
I think you forgot that the switch hardware IS smartphone hardware. It’s less powerful than current top end smartphone hardware.
Welcome to the Open World game. Every Open World game has a pile of bugs. Alot of them, you never see. Social media has made it far easier to view them as everybody posts everything these days.
He shoots a web right after they get sent off. Check the neighbouring buildings after.
LOL. If you looks closely, he shoots a web right after they get sent off and you’ll see them attached to buildings next to the one you’re on.
Sincerely asking: do you listen to hip hop? And if so, what kind?
He made Yeezus
It’s funny that this entire series has a Romance period method of story telling, and you keep demeaning others for not knowing about these places sooner.
It’s like complaining to someone for not knowing where Brazil was until they read Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein.
Most people don’t like to read encyclopedias, don’t be…
Do you earn trophies from games played on psnow? Always been curious about that and never been able to find anything say either way
So... an article about LCS finals and not even a mention of the opponent? A vague mention of his trash-talking, some shallow examples, a two-line biography, a clickbait title, ta-dah, article’s ready.
Why do people get butthurt over words? Why... back in *my* day, we just told the people we hate to “kill yourself”. Then they started doing it. Then we had to stop saying “kill yourself”.
He doesn’t do it in game. Thats why.
You know what is awesome? Not putting a spoiler on the MAIN PAGE where it is impossible to avoid: