
National Treasure? More like National Pleasure .....

And then, Knack spoke, and he sounded like a man in his late 30s trying to sound cool to his teenage daughter..

Phil Fish is little more than a carpenter who preyed upon an ignorant population.

Phil Fish died for our sins.

Also, Dunsparce's Mega form revealed:

Serious question: Why celebrate a "feature" that isn't a feature, and should have been implemented before release of said product from day 1?

Sure, be happy that something so basic is finally available for use. Fine. But at the same time, shouldn't we be more concerned that it took this long "to do" (when really we

Police say they found the two illegal immigrants collapsed outside someone's door.

Well that's too bad. Because when you wake up, you know they're gonna be the ones who wake up next to you.

Sure, I'll take three please.

Asks for $1000000.
Makes it exclusive to the UK.

Actually asking for £643832

Johnny DoubleFine would be very sad if he knew you thought so.


I saw you counting your fingers.

What have you done...

holy fuck i hate kinja

"If you want to give it a try yourself, you need to be an Xbox Live Gold subscriber, be 18 or older, and meet undefined gamerscore requirements and tenure as a Gold-level subscriber."

"Back in my day, Minecraft didn't have an ending! We had to hike 15 MILES through the tundra just to get back to our base from our mine."

This seems pretty self explanatory to me. Obviously both this guy's wife died, and he traded his Sega Saturn in to Gamestop. The kid is like...."I miss her!" Meaning, his mom. But the dad is more grieving about the Saturn. So he automatically assumes the kid is also grieving about the Saturn. It's a fairly

Given how they built the thing, I wouldn't worry about that.